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Looping my arms around Storm's neck, I pillowed my face on his broad chest and allowed myself to be carried bridal style inside the cabinet. The comforting warmth his body was emitting calming my racing heart and tingling body. His strong hold cocooning me in a layer of protectiveness, like a parent's wings of protection would around her child.

Gently laying me down on the soft mattress of the king-size bed, Storm stood by the feet of the bed and peeled off each layer of his clothing with the slowness of a snail. Gulping in anticipation, I watched like a hawk, not daring to avert my eyes from his scrumptiously jacked self.

Dominant Storm long gone, the reality that we were going to experience our first lovemaking tantalized my senses and the sweaty sensation in my palms returned with its own excitement. After 2 years of craving and dreaming of this lecherous moment, time seemed to go slow, almost like it was going to pause on me. Butt naked, Storm climbed on top of the bed and advanced towards me like a moth to the flame. Inevitable.

Hovering above me, the grey outline in his eyes entirely overtaken by the green, his longing for me was just as intense as mine; if not more. Caressing my lips with his, I gave Storm my all and plunged into his slow and sensual intoxicating kiss.

Locking his neck between my arms, I freely roamed my fingers through his tangled hair and explore his mouth with my tongue. Taking his time like he was kissing me for the very first time, I was quickly spellbound. Swiping his tongue around mine, his hands roaming to the zipper of my dress, I arched my back even further, eager to get this dress off me.

Smiling at my impatience, Storm broke the spell and bore his lustful eyes onto mine. "Tell me you love me, Angelica." Gingerly shedding my dress from my body, Storm requested. Not once removing his attention from my eyes.

"I do, Storm... I love you." Reaching for Storm's face once the dress was thrown onto the floor, I cupped his cheeks and brought his lips back on mine.

"And right now, you are the drug that's keeping me from dying." I mumbled against his lips before slowly sliding my tongue into his mouth again.

Responding to my delicate kiss, Storm's hands skimmed along my flesh, leaving a trail of warmth in its path. Blazing from the inside-out, I was itching for Storm to rip off the lacy corset and G-string, and ravage my body the same way his mouth was devouring my mouth.

"I love you, Angelica." Kissing down my collarbone and cleavage, Storm peered up for a beat and divulge with utmost love and passion.

"Me too..." I purred at the delirious assault of his lips and tongue onto my skin.

Flaring with ardour, I was more than thankful when Storm finally peeled off all my clothing despite his claims of how much he loved seeing me in all those laces. I had to admit, the man had great taste in women lingering. The lingerie he had chosen for me, was not only beautiful but also accentuated my features and fitted me like a glove. The dark colour of the laces decorated my body, embellishing the colour of my skin and gave me the allure of a Sexual Goddess.

Nudging my legs apart, I was more than ready to receive his sheer power of potency inside my throbbing self. My chest heaving beneath his mouth and touches, I was left wide-open for him. But Storm being all about patience when I didn't have any ounce left, took his sweet time massaging my thighs and decorating my body with his smooches.

"Storm..." I whined between laboured breaths. I had enough of his playing around. I wanted him inside of me, and I wanted it now.

Proudly and mischievously smirking at my eagerness and appetite for me, Storm grabbed my hips and pulled me closer to him. Teasing my entrance with his hardness, Storm grazed my vulva several times, increasing the anticipation and my need for more.

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