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"So, where is this aforementioned surprise?" Breaking Storm and my electrical gaze, my mom astonished both of us. Standing in front of the kitchen counter, my dad and mom expectedly waited with a knowing look.

Blushing a darker shade of pink at the possibility of them witnessing whatever went on between Storm and myself in the limited amount of time we were left alone, I successfully kept my mouth shut.

"I still have to show her. Doc and I were having an extremely important discussion." Taking charge, and acting absolutely unfazed, as if nothing happened between us moments ago and he didn't just have another boner, Storm clarified for my parents.

"Go ahead, then. Unless you guys need more private time to discuss?" Quirking his eyebrow at us, my father's comment was laced with suggestiveness.

"No! We are fine. We don't need any more private time – to discuss." I announced way too quickly for it to not sound suspicious.

Sniggering under his breath, Storm made his way to my refrigerator. Disregarding my desire to smack his laugh away, I instead followed the movement of his well-built arms; feeling like his dress shirt was going to give out and rip from muscular flexing.

"Herb seasoned chicken?" Confused like no tomorrow, I stared at the bowl of uncooked cold chicken meat seasoned with herbs, garlic, lime and black pepper Storm had placed in front of me.

"You want me to cook for you or something?" Looking up at Storm, I voiced out my puzzlement.

Laughing at me again, Storm tousled my hair, "No, Ang. I'm going to be the one cooking for you. I learned this new plate when you were gone and thought it would be a great surprise for when you return. – What do you think?"

Looking at me expectedly, with excitement glimmering in the depth of his eyes, I leaned into Storm and plaster a gentle kiss on his cheek. "I love the surprise."

Putting his arm around my opposite shoulder, Storm gave me a side hug. "I'm glad you did. I almost thought you would think it was a stupid idea and surprise."

"Never." Smiling up at Storm, I quickly reassured the big man. His gentle acts, no matter how cheesy was always welcome and appreciated.

*Ahem* *Ahem* *Ahem*

Loudly clearing his throat, my father promptly separated us. Jumping out of Storm's embrace as if I had gotten burned, I felt like a teenager being caught doing something terrible. Avoiding my parents' gazes and returning my heartbeat to normal, I mumbled a string of curses under my breath.

"Did you say something, Angel?" My mom quipped with a sly smirk.

"Hum... just asking Storm if he needed help." I quickly saved myself from more embarrassment.

"I'm good, Doc. If I have you cook with me, the whole concept of me cooking for you as a surprise would be ruined."

"Don't be stupid. I'm gonna help you with dinner."

Stubborn, I stood my ground. Not because I was a big lover of cooking but because it was an excellent evasion tactic. If I cook, I don't have to undergo another interrogation and be subject to piercing soul searching eyes.

"No, you are not." Storm refused to let me ruin his surprise.

Staring and challenging each other, it dawned on me that only a compromise would work. "How about I help you out with the prepping, and you do all the cooking? Like this, you maintain your surprise."

Looking at me and contemplating my idea, "Fine. I'll go get you a glass of your favourite wine then. Start cutting the vegetables and onions I put aside into cubes." Storm finally agreed.

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