The Chapter 88 (Reaper x Geno)

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(This is a request that was loosely  based off the novel the book thief specifically chapter 88 I have not read the book so I apologize if some things are not right )

(Genos POV)

Was this it? I thought to my self feeling my eye sockets begun to fall as the weight of my 'eye lids' proved to be far greater then the strength of which I could muster to keep them open, this seemed like such a dolour. I hadn't expected but yet I almost did that my death would come so soon.. I could feel my life fading panicking I grasped out to steal my life back and hold it closer as if it was something precious but I was surprised to come in contact with an icy cold object that clutches my hand back with a tight gentleness.

Opening my eyes I found my self sat on a grassy field perhaps a soccer field? the surroundings much to bright for my already poor vision to focus on it was quite making it very peaceful. Looking down at my hand I saw another skeletal hand holding mine looking to who this limb was attached to was a skeleton who wore a black hooded cloak his eye sockets where empty he wore a calm yet curious expression as he seemingly studied me.

"Who..." I begun but trailed off not being able to find the right words to express the freight train of thoughts and questions in my head.

(Reapers POV)

I had watched him for a while, Geno. seeing his life unravel in to a winding twisting string. For him it was years upon years but for Me it felt like such a short time to take out of my life to over see this mortal.I held the book tightly in my grasp monsters where not something I took great interest in usually, neither the humans. They where just souls that had short life spans much unlike to my own. as mine was a line never broken but running continuously until the end of time it's self as I will be forever existing keeping balance to the cycle, you would think this life lonely yet I don't think I know anything different.

Though I'd admit this mortal is rather cute....but that's not Important in his final moments he seemed scared Not wanting for his time to be up. Yet by looking at his stop watch that manifested in to my hand it was indeed about to Tick it's final moments.

Still watching I acted deciding to perhaps comfort him. Gently grabbing his souls being out stretched hand and pulling it to a familiar place to him one he might or might not remember.

When he had opened his eye sockets He seemed suprised, it was a foreign feeling his hand in mine perhaps a nice feeling I actually quite liked it.

He looked at me slowly. "Who..." he begun but stopped, realization splayed across his face as he had finally come upon the answer he had already known with out having to search his mind.

Iam death. And I had come for his soul, but not before I could do the favour of returning this.

Picking it up with my other hand I had held it out slightly seeing him slowly gaze to it joy washing over his face. "Is it really????" He asked looking back at me his non shattered eye socket glittering with wonder.

"Yes." I had simply said letting him take a hold of his once lost possession."Could you under stand it?" He had asked almost suspiciously clutching the book to his white clothed chest almost like he was afraid it would vanish from him again.

Yet.. I wanted to say so many things,that what haunts me most is humanity and monsteritys have the capacity for both extreme good and extreme evil, that neither side actually really makes sense to me how can beings so complex be so idiotic at the same time?

Tilting his head Geno had awaited my response  with surprising patience. I wanted to ask him how the same thing could be so ugly and so glorious, and its words and stories so damning and brilliant.

Sighing rather loudly I turned back to look at this monster who had encapsulated my attention so. Exchanging a few words that only he shall know. (I was told death is the narrator of the novel so I just made it that he's telling the reader only what he wants them to know.)

He nodded the scarf around his neck flicking slightly with the movement.

"I see." He looked sleepy, looking at the next soul to be takens old stop watch they had still a bit of time.

Deciding that perhaps it wouldn't hurt to stay with this Skelton just a while longer. "Will I see my brother?" He had asked after a small pause of silence. "You should." I replied casually "will you stay?" He asked again pausing before continuing once more "I don't want to be alone" "I can stay if you'd like for now,Geno."

He smiled slightly "could I ask you questions?" "Isn't that what your already doing? Isn't that even a question it's self?" I asked confused He laughed slightly "okay but like an actual question." That puzzled me even more Mortals where so confusing "yes, but if I may can I ask you some to?" "What could death possibly need to ask?"

A smirk tugged it's self on to my face, he frowned at my lack of response making me chuckle "May I hold your hand again?" Genos face flushed, I wasn't sure why he wore that look was it not a simple request? I had witnessed plenty of mortals holding hands though perhaps I was incorrect of the meaning..?

Geno finally spoke "o-okay,"

(Sooo I have no idea if it was any good,or if it was right at all,but I hope at least some people liked it! It's a short one shot but It allowed me to check over it a few times to make sure theirs not to many errors. Thank you for the request I enjoyed thinking up a story of this,hope everyone has a good day or night!  -R,W)

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