(Haloween special?? Not really ) The locket.

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(Warning: this story Contains blood, talks about death and mentions of Depression vaguely. If you are sensitive to these topics I recommend reading my other chapters on here that don't have this warning, I hope you enjoy this one shot and stay safe if your going out on Halloween.
Your tired writer with love, R,W.) (ps I don't even know if this story makes sense I wrote this at 3am in a haze so some parts might not make sense and the grammar is going to be horrible just a heads up)

(Genos POV)
Why the hell did I ever agree to this. I much rather would be happy sleeping at home and not having to interact with the outside world. Ink noticed my unhappiness and sighed "come on Geno lighten up, we are looking for pieces to add to our Halloween costumes come on!" They dragged me in to a old antique store.

It was filled with cool knickknacks. Blue and dream ran off in one direction and ink wandered in to another leaving me alone by the entrance.

I could just leave now and they wouldn't noticed, however I was fond of antique stores I loved how old everything was.

Sighing I knew I would regret this later but I wandered in, looking at a few items there was old glassware, a few old books which piqued my interest however my attention was brought to a old silver locket. Laid on a bottom shelf by its self it wasn't even by the jewelry section. Picking it up the metal was slightly tarnished and a bit dented on one side. Trying to open it, it wouldn't even budge.

Essentially it was pure garbage but so was I. Looking past all the work I needed done the metal had beautiful carvings in it and with a little love it could be beautiful.

Turing it over in my hands a few times I was curious about what was inside it too. Finally agreeing with my self I clutched it tightly and looked to find blue ink and dream to see if they had finished finding what they came here for.

Looking in the mirror I had done my best trying to clean it, I couldn't get the dent out however the metal now shone brightly in the light. Kinda proud of my self I placed it around my neck. Lowering my scarf to check it out it was nice. My pristine white shirt went well.

However I still couldn't get it open no matter how hard I tried, maybe I'll get someone to open it for me later. Focusing back on the mirror I noticed a shadowy figure in the corner of the room.

The figure looked like pure smoke, or black liquid it was hard to pin point. Confused I turned to look behind me where it was but nothing was there.

Looking back at the mirror the figure was gone. Rubbing my eyes I shook my head, maybe I should rest, I'm starting to see things..

A bit uneasy I walked in to my bedroom kicking off my shoes and changing in to pjs.

Laying down I wriggled to get comfy trying to ignore what had happened at the mirror. Rolling over I shut my eyes to sleep.

"Hey you" sitting up I looked around confused "wait huh?" This wasn't my bedroom, it was a lush green looking field for miles and miles. Next to me was a Skelton dressed in black. He had dark eye sockets, "where did you come from?" The figure asked? His voice quite and gentle almost like a breeze it sent a shiver down my spine.

"I-I don't know.." I sat up more looking around confused, the Skelton looked just as confused as me tilting his head. "Well.. what's your name?" He asked again ignoring my confusion.

I looked him up and down he had one leg stretched out and the other pulled up with his right arm resting on the pulled up leg. His other hand was slightly behind him propping him up.

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