Spring flowers Part 2

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(Hear ya go hope you enjoy!)

(Genos POV)

Truth be told he came in to the shop with his guitar, "and I thought you wouldn't show up" he gave a smirk "and miss seeing you hah not a chance~" I scoffed.

While he set up I flipped the sign from closed to open, hearing reaper just mess around of the guitar trying out new tunes.

It felt nice to have his company, most people would cower in the gods deathly presence but it was nice for me, I usually was alone so it was a pleasant change.

I heard the door ding, looking up I saw a woman in a Green dress She had fluffy white fur a Ruby like eyes, he aura counters Reapers being the opposite.

"Hello," She said warmly. I smiled back "Hi How May I help you?" I asked stepping behind the counter.

I caught a glimpse of reaper who had a sly look, "Heya Tori" he spoke, I looked back "You know her?" Reaper ignored me and stood up "so what might the goddess of life be doing Hear?" He said walking up behind me.

She giggled "I just wanted to see your progress" "oh I already got him Confessing" I elbowed The god in the ribs "Oh please More like the other way round" he coughed at my gentle attack, "But you where the one looking like a blueberry~"

I rolled my eyes, The goddess of life laughed "Well Geno hes got big plans for you so id prepare my self if I was you."

"like what?" I asked a bit of concern, "now that isn't me to disclose." She said with a wink. "But your gonna have to change you outfit up" she said with a wider smile. She looked like she was fangirling.

"oh brother." I muttered.

When I had went home after spending the day in the shop with Reaper I noticed a small box with my name on it, Confused I opened it seeing a Red dress, "No way in hell am I putting this on" I scoffed.

Picking up the note with a glare I read it

Oh my dearest Juliet Thow shall not-Haha just kidding I ain't no Romeo. But please Geno wear the dress It's important for you to wear  we are going to a rather fancy place. I will pick you up at 4:30 see you soon love~.  -Sincerely your not so romantic Romeo.

I couldn't help but laugh. Picking up the dress it wasn't skimpy or anything it was cut just to the knees and had short sleeves, it was made out of lace like material.

Tugging off my own clothes I pulled it on Just to see, looking at my self in the mirror I pouted Damn that Skelton Making me actually like it.

I sighed deeply "Can't believe I'm doing this." "doing what~" I jumped whirling around "REAPER?!" He leaned against the bathroom door frame lazily with a his infamous smirk.

"how long have you been stood their" he shrugged "That's for me to know and you not to~" I blushed harder.

Looking at him, he wore a change of clothes to Trading his Cloak for a white dress shirt, A black over coat buttoned up and then his black Jacket Over his shoulder where one hand Held it.

I cursed him for looking so damn hot. "you look-" "Oh save it" he chuckled as I walked past him sulking.

"ready to go?" He called as I picked up my scarf and tied it around my waist in to a bow.

"Fine." His smirk grew wider, he offers his gloved hand to me, grudgingly I took it and we walked outside.

"where is it your even taking me" I asked confused But he only winked.as we walked we progressively went in to the rich  Area.

"your kidding right?" I breathed seeing one of the most beautiful restaurants I have ever seen, "hmm nope," he said "How can we even afford it?" I asked "Let me worry about that love, Remember I'm a god" I scoffed "Better not kill anyone" he shrugged "Not making any promises"

I groaned in annoyance and dragged him in. The guy at the entrance saw us, "Good day, Sir and madame" I blushed "Excuse me?!" Reaper laughed at my reaction, "oh I apologize Deeply, Do you have a reservation?"

"Reaper." Reaper said looking at me with that stupid look. "Ah yes right this way" we followed him down the passage of tables.

Reaper didn't let go of my hand until we sat down, "I'll be back with your menus" we both nodded.

I looked at Reaper "Why did you even bring the coat?" I asked seeing Reaper placed it on the coat hook.

"cause" he said with another wink, "Can you like stop being hot?" I asked "Can you stop being adorable? no. So theirs your answer" I squinted at him "Touché"

He sat back down and started to chat with me.


After our meal we left hand in hand again, "You know why dose a god take Interest in a mortal?" I questioned. He looked at me "I dunno guess your just different" I couldn't help but smile "plus is it weird I feel like I've known you for years?" I shook my head "I have the same feeling"

"Maybe in another story we've met" he said "Very poetic" I said sarcastically he laughed. We stopped at my door. He let go of my hand and faced me, "You do look beautiful tonight though" I looked at the floor "Well I mean get a good look cause you'll never see me in a dress again" I teased.

"Well maybe not." I squinted "What are you implying" he shrugged "Nothing important now~"  "Mhm" "Heh, well can we see each other again?" He asked. "maybe" I said with a sly look he chuckled before Givicng me a look, "what?" I asked he grabbed my chin gently and kissed me.

I felt my cheek heat up, I raised my hand to slap him, but then just rested it on his cheek feeling him blush too.

When he pulled back he had a giddy look on his face. "you where my first kiss~" he breathed his breath tickling my face, "You where mine" I said back staring in to his Black eyes just wanting to fall in to them.

He bit his lip, "I'll see you tomorrow" he backed up "goodnight" I said he then turned on his heel and walked off in to the night"

My soul was thumping loudly in my chest, unlocking my door I flicked on the lights and walked up to my room, On my bed I saw a small necklace next to a lily.

"Picking up the note it read "I understand that we live in two different world so if you ever need me Summon me by tapping the gem three times.

I looked at the necklace  and placed in around my neck, It was a aqua colour.

"Love ya Reaps" I whispered picking up the flower and placing in a vase.

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