Snow day Reaper x Geno

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"Hey [    ]! How are you?"   "That's good I'm so glad your okay."  "Me?" "I'm good just a little...lonely"  "oh it's nothing to worry about it's just so empty without you hear anymore"

"I miss my friends". "I miss you."  "I hope your well. I see that you've got a good life now. a kid."

"What's their name?"  "Awe so cute I wish I could meet him."

"And your husband?" ".....". "You guys seem good together" "what's that?" 

"Chara? No she hasn't been around so don't worry"

"The reset button? No I hadn't used it since you left so don't worry"

"Geno it's time for you to go back you have a fun day ahead it seems " "I know it's been short I'm sorry I'll see you again, now please wake up go back to your family"

(Genos POV)
I jolted out of my sleep I squinted sunlight dappled the room, the white painted walls blossom with colour from the orange filtering through the half drawn curtains.

The room had a warm atmosphere with silence filling it the only noice the small tick of a clock marking the seconds.

Rolling on to my breath I breathed softly glancing to my side, Reaper had his arm on his chest he slept on his back his head tilting to the side, his mouth slightly open as he breathed softly.

A small smile crept on my face, "MOMMMM DADDDDD" I jumped at the loud child he bursted through the door and threw him self on reaper who caused him to jump"

"ITS SNOWING!" Goth beemed excitedly his eyes sparkled seemingly to be buzzing with excitement. "Ughhhhh" reaper groaned grabbing a pillow and placing it over his face.

I giggled "can we go out in the snow???" I looked out the window seeing as goth had said, white fluffy snow. I smiled  looking back at goth and internally dying reaper "Yeah sure!" Goth lept Of Reaper Causing him to go Oof as goth raced to grab his coat.

"Come on" I gave him a light shove "Fine" he grumbled before getting up looking at me with a crooked smile.

"What?" I giggled he tackled me kissing me sweetly, I giggled pushing him away gently "we can't keep goth waiting" he sighed planting another kiss on my cheek before heaving him self up and grabbing some clothes.

(Reapers POV)
"You gotta Button up bud it's cold outside" I said kneeling down buttoning Goths coat, he had his arms stretched out we changed his normal red scarf in to red flannel for the winter season since it was a little warmer.

I pulled up his hood and patted him Geno helped him put mittens on and then held his little hand before walking out almost imdiently loosing him as he ran to the snow banks.

Geno hurried after him as I trailed behind, "ah hold on goth you might slip" but goth was to busy rolling up snow to make a snow man"

"Are you guys going to help?" Geno looked at me "why dosnt your dad make the bottom I make the middle and you make the head" he suggests goth nodded continuing to roll up the snow.

"I bet I can roll mine faster then you" I teased Geno gasped "No way!" We both started our mini race. Geno untimely one but I blamed he had a smaller job to do.

We used magic to lift the middle bit on the snow man while goth had to be lifted up to place the head.

"Perfect" Geno Said but goth shook his head "no he needs a face! And arms" he hurried back in the house while Geno and I scanned for the rest of the pieces.

Goth came out with a frown "we don't have anything for its nose" he said sadly, "hmm well why don't we use something else" goth looked up at me while I summoned a bone. Walking to the snowman I placed the bone for the nose "there" goth jumped with excitement "now it's perfect!" Geno giggled hooking on to my arm "nice save" he said in a hushed tone  "I know" I replied watching goth start to play in the snow again.

Geno let go and walked slightly away "Hey reaps~" I looked over but got a snowball to the face blinking in surprise I looked at Geno who was covering his mouth trying not to fall over and laugh.

"Oh your on!" I grabbed snow off the ground and threw it at him back. Geno doged it and ran to get more snow.

Throwing it back "I Wanna join!" Said goth I laughed "Goths on my team!" "Wait what!" I Said.

I fell back in to the snow the coldness was felt through my cloak but it was more soothing. Geno plopped down next to me out of breath. "You win" I grinned looking st him he had snow on his scarf.

"Now what?" I asked goth who stopped running about "can we go skating?" I looked up at Geno who shrugged "sure" "alright kiddo pull your old man up" goth giggled "your not old" Geno snorted "He's ancient" I glared at him mockingly "well So is your mom" I got another snow ball to the face "okay maybe I deserved  that one" "ya think"

"Geno you know I can't skate right?" Geno snickerd "I forgot but if goth can skate that means you can" I huffed "well goth dosnt have that far to fall if he dose"

"Oh come on you big baby let's go" "alright love" Geno Scoffed and dragged me out on to the ice where goth had seen some friends.

Geno grabbed hold of my hands "are we going to be those cheesy couples?" "Maybe~"

"I think the fudge not" I laughed at his sensor "you know Goths not around" I pointed out "shut up" I snickerd as he blushed in embarrassment. Geno skated faster making me stumble on my skates but I retained my balance.

"Why did I ever agree to this" "cause your son wouldn't have stopped begging if you declined" "you mean Our son  geno~"

(Genos POV)

"So did you have fun kiddo?" I smiled hearing reaper in the room with goth. I heard Goths excited chatter, humming I placed to mugs on the counter starting to make hot chocolate.

I was to busy humming I didn't hear reaper approach. I gasped In surprise almost slapping him when his arms wrapped around my waist.

"What ya doing~" "well I was making hot chocolate but then you rudely interrupted me" he didn't move "can you hum again?" He asked finally "no."

"Awe come on Geno please" I sighed and began to hum softly waiting for the water to boil.

Reaper let out a happy sigh. The water boiled and I poured it in to the cups with the hot chocolate powder"

I stopped humming grabbing the mugs "is goth asleep?" I asked turning to face him. He nodded "well care to sit or are you just going to stand Hear with me" I blushed a little. Reaper walked over to the couch but not before grabbing his own mug.

I sat down next to him nestling my self in a pile of blankets. Reaper chuckled "what" I said blushing "your just so cute"

I puffed my cheeks out "no." I mumbled looking away, Reaper wrapped me in his arms and nuzzled my neck "what a snow day huh?" I hummed in response watching the swirl of steam from the cup dance in the air.

"Goth enjoyed him self today" I murmured "They don't stay kids forever soon enough goth won't want to build a snow man" I smiled  "or jump and scare you in mornings" "now that I'm looking forward to" I giggled looking to the side so my eyes met Reapers.

I kissed him for once "I'm glad I get to spend the rest of my eternal life with you" he smiled back and kissed me "me to," he raised his mug in the air slightly "to the infinite of snow days we shall have together" I giggled but raised my mug in the air too "to us." "To our family". He concluded I snuggled in to him after setting my mug down, feeling slightly drowsy "to our family" I murmured sleepily with a yawn"

"Goodnight my love" I heard him say before I slept.

(Don't know what this was but I had a snow day yesterday and I just felt like writing cutesy stuff I hope you thoroughly enjoyed)

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