Afterdeath (merman geno x Reaper 2/2)

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As soon as Dream left the smaller stepped forward excitedly, "I-i can Finally talk to you and understand you and I just couldn't stop thinking about how you saved me and.... I couldn't thank you for that and I felt like I had too" he said his voice a melodic sound.

I was still taken aback, he frowned slightly, "Your not happy to see me?" He seemed a bit disheartened, "no I'm actually really really happy it's just... how??" He smiled "that dosnt Matter" I nodded slowly

"Your friend gave me a weird scarf thing to put around me" he stated a bit confused. That's when I realized he wasn't wearing any clothes and that 'scarf' was dreams sweater that was haphazardly tied around him so it kinda looked like a skirt.

I blushed slightly, "I'll get you some proper clothes k?" He looked confused but nodded while I went in to my room.

"I've never seen this part of your home" I jumped and turned around seeing him behind me. "Home right? This is your home?" I nodded before pulling out a t shirt and Shorts for him. "Put these on" he looked at them before giving me a suspicious look.

I decided to be a gentle men for once and turn around while he changed. "Okay" he said I turned back around and noticed his shirt was on backwards.

"Here let me help" I said walking over helping him turn it around he blushed when my hand brushed against his bare shoulder as I helped pull the sleeve back up on his shoulder.

"Their ya go. You probably gave Dream a fright when he saw you" I said chuckling slightly. "Why?" He asked looking confused.

I shook my head laughing a little but I quickly went silent when I heard Dream giggle, he waved the hammer towards me. "You Reaper Need to have a talk later on who your new friend is" I sent him a glare, "how long where you stood their" he shrugged before waving goodbye and quickly leaving before I came after him.

(Genos POV)

He seemed nervous? Or anxious perhaps I'm not sure why It was difficult to read him we sat at this weird wood seat with another piece of wood separating us (their sat at the kitchen table) I saw it briefly when he brought me in but it was strange to see so close.

"So why did you come back? Your family must be missing you" he said. I flinched at the word family, "I don't have a family really. I have my pod anyone blood related died" he nodded looking at the wood "I'm sorry" I gave a confused look but shrugged it off .

He finally met my gaze again "you know I didn't expect you to come back" I frowned "you didn't want me to?" I Said a bit agressivly he shook his head quickly "no, I didn't think you would come back here with legs. It almost makes me think that you always had legs and never...." he trailed off willing for me to fill in the rest.

I lowered my defensive guard giggling slightly, "so what is it that you Monsters do around here?" I asked looking around the structure that was his home.

He seemed thoughtful "the carnival is in town, you might like to see it?" He suggested "thebwhat?" I asked, "you might have seen it since it's on the docks but every year to begin the start of summer break theirs a carnival.

I was intrigued "car-niv-al" I tried the word having never heard of it, it wasn't in my vocabulary. It still felt odd even speaking their words now luckily my words get translated or else i still wouldn't be able to communicate.

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