Rules reaper x geno

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(Genos POV)
I noticed a Skelton casually stood his arms crossed across his chest, he was Absurdly handsome but frightening, a dark aura Shrouded him, he wore a Charrming yet intoxicating smirk.

He looked me up and down briefly, I was stunned frozen in place "Huh, you're.... not what I was expecting" he said his voice equally as intoxicating.  His eyes met mine briefly but he looked away.

I still stood dumb founded at why he was here and most importantly who was he? I had woken up from a nap since Their was nothing else to do in this hell and woke up to find him Waiting? Was he waiting?

"Who are you?" I asked snapping in to my senses and Even gave him a hostile glare. He chuckled again his eyes narrowing, "im surprised you weren't expecting me, after all you are technically dead, or dying? What ever All I know is that I need to reap your soul"

He said Cooley still holding his Aloof posture, I scoffed "Now you must be kidding me, look dude who ever the heck you are Id rather be left alone" I snapped turning my back though I actually didn't want to be alone anymore I'd rather not spend time with a insane person who thinks he's death.

I couldn't help but feel a chill down my spine if he was really who he Implyed he was I should be scared or running by now but something tells me no embodiment of death would be so chill.

I spared a glance behind me to see he hadn't moved, he still inspected me perhaps at a mental debate with him self. Finally his smirk returned after it had unnoticably fallen.

"You know what, no mortal has ever said that to me, Well dare I say had the guts to" I scoffed "Skelton's to have guts Idiot" I snapped.

Now he wore a uninterested look how ever the corner of his mouth twitched upwards showing the only sign that he was mildly amused by my temper.

"Look I don't care for your dumb little game that your the god of death or what ever I'm not gonna fall for it so you can go bother some one else now  please" I growled before trying to walk away.

I think I got maybe 10 steps before I was stopped short by a Blade hooked around my neck forcing me to hault. "Tsk tsk tsk, that's no way to speak to a god~" he purred right against my nonexistent ear. I could feel his presence right behind me I swear if he moved any closer he'd be pressed against me but he remained still.

I took notice to the blade, it wasn't a knife it appeared to be a Sycthe It wasn't touching my neck But it just barely touched my scarf and that was more then a enough for me to freeze up in fear.

"I'm here to reap you Geno, your times,up~ but seeing that no other mortal has Treated me in a way that you have I might just let you slip past my list" he spoke he didn't sound angry but he didn't sound Calm either.

I let out a shakey breath I had unknowingly been holding, I laughed nervously "What's In it for you?" I said coldly I swear I could feel his smirk burn in to the back of me.

"What makes you think I want anything~?" I scoffed lightly "you never get anything for free theirs always a price" I didn't dare to look back at him afraid I'll loose my nerve.

He chuckled lightly, "smart too, well I won't ask for much perhaps That you can humour me, Tori kicked me out after killing her garden again so I need a new place to be lazy" he said a little in thought unaware that I had no idea What he was meaning but he lowered his Scythe so I could turn around.

"Wait so you wont kill me in exchange for a place to lay around?" I asked "well actually,your already dead soooo..." I glared at him "Well no Shi-" "Look do we have a deal?" He cut me off looking mildly fed up.

"Theirs Nothing else? No tricks?" He laughed "no," I looked at him suspiciously "Seems unfair for you" he shrugged "actually it's better, if only you saw how hellish my life can be" he said with a scoff.

I thought for a moment before coming to the conclusion that it might not be that bad to have a little bit of company from time to time, "I want rules" I said.

He tilted his head slightly "oh~?" I rolled my eye, "Look rule number one, I like the quite some times so If I tell you to shut up then you have to" he waited for me to carry on showing no reaction yet.

"You can't Reap me no matter what, we made a deal and you have to keep it... you have to promise" he nodded "your not allowed to use your dumb death Scythe around here, so like get rid of it, de spawn it what ever I don't care" he chuckled before simply despawnjng it. "Your pretty demanding~" I put a hand on my hip "Your in my place, my rules" he shrugged "Fine. is that it"

I thought for a moment "we have to keep our ordeal strictly formal, that means we can't be friends, we can't fall in love" "Who said anything about falling in love~" I scoffed "I mean it, so you can stop your whole flirty tone" he smirked "Awe but that's taking the fun out of it, plus it's cute watching you blush"

I blushed which made him smirk more, "Okay still, I'll only have a deal if You follow those rules" I snapped.

He nodded eventually "I guess we have a deal Geno." I nodded "indeed we do"

(Reapers POV)

Finishing up work I looked at my watch. I had time to go visit Geno before my brother would be wondering where Iam. Opening a portal I stepped through heading in to the Save screen. I looked around briefly before I noticed Geno reading one of the books I had brought him.

He noticed my aura and perked his head up, "Oh hey Reaper" he called casually still engrossed in his book. I headed over and sat down next to him, I've been coming here a little over three months, of corse for Geno he didn't know since time dose not seem to be exsistant in the save screen but he doesn't mine. He likes to ask about the other Aus a lot wondering how their doing.

Of course I would still act flirty to him and he would blush or complain about our rule, "so Cutie how's it-" I ducked almost getting hit by the book that was hurling at my skull. "Our rule reaper Gosh!" I smirked opening my mouth to say a comeback but Geno gave me a Glare.

To not make his skull explode I kept my mouth shut but still retained my smirk, "your impossible" he said dramatically throwing his hands in the air before letting them fall back on to his legs.Reaching his hand out waiting for me to hand him his book back. I chuckled "Only for you~" I said about to hang him a book but paused "Are you gonna Play target practice again? Or do I have to remove your book privileges~" Geno Sighed "Just give it Reaper" instead I held it a little behind me now. "That's not a answer" he huffed Trying to grab it from me again he struggled slightly edging closer to try and reach it but as he tried to reach it he lost his balance and Fell face first in to me.

I wasn't expecting it so I toppled back too, I was a bit shocked since no one has ever Made contact with me, it was weird but also I panicked slightly because I didn't want Geno To turn to dust, but another thing I noticed is, Oh no he didn't just fall on me, he was currently Accidentally kissing me.

He was frozen with shock wide eyed, before he sprung back to life and Kinda jumped back his face A Dark Blue, "AHG IM SORRY" he yelled Covering his face with his hands.

I blinked still surprised, he wasn't dust. When I recovered from the shock I smirked again, he still was covering his face dying with embarrassment.

I stood up, before crouching next to him and gently pulling his chin to look up at me. He looked at me confused, I studied him momentarily before leaving a Quick kiss on his foreskull pulling back I grinned "So much for your little rule Geno~" I said.

His face dropped in to a glare but he didn't move his Face from my gentle hold "Oh you little prick" he said his face still a lapis colour.

(I'm slightly running out of topic ideas for one shots so Don't be shy to request any thing, I'll be open to do any type of story line but lemons anyways Have a good day or night, -R,W)

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