I love you a latte Reaper x Geno

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(Genos POV)
"Oh my gosh that barista is totally checking you out?" I almost spat my drink out "I beg you pardon?" Ink snickerd "Him" he nodded in the direction of a Skelton wearing a green apron who kept glancing up at my direction.

"Go talk to him Geno" he encouraged I shook my head "Uh no!" I hissed "what to scared?" He teased I huffed "no it's just that we are in a coffee shop"
"And~ Geno you need a date to the upcoming party~" I growled "I hate you"

Getting up dramatically I stride over. He looked up again his expression changing to a smirk. "Oh hello there" I blushed in embarrassment. "Are you free?" He looked around "Uh not really I'm at work."

I huffed "You know what I mean" his smirk widened as he pretend to think "I'm done at 4 sooo." "Fine" I looked to the side, I heard shuffling then his hand appeared in the corner of my eye. "It's my number give it a call at 4"

The number was written roughly on a napkin. I grabbed it twntivly "t-thanks" he smiled, while I walked off.

Sitting back with Ink he gave a huge smile "Sooooooo" I shoved him "You already know" he Squeals "I KNOW YOU TWO ALREADY SEEM SO CUTE" people looked at us with raised eye brows while I died of embarrassment

After my date with the guy called Reaper it was a hit though he was really, Really flirty.I ended up dating him after a couple of dates.

(1 year later)

"Stoppppp" I whined as he hugged me from behind I was giggling though, "Awe come on gen~" I huffed and continued to stir the pasta sauce.

"You know what tomorrow is?" He purred "Uh for you to take out the trash?" "HA, But do you actually?" "Uhmmm our 1 year  anniversary" he hummed "Mhm"  his head rested on my shoulder.

I needed to grab the pasta but I didn't really want this moment to end, "I can't believe it been a year" he said finally," I nodded "Seems like yesterday" he laughed.


"So your asking me to be your date?" I sighed "maybe" I whispered it praying he didn't hear, "Well then I'd love to~" I looked up from my latte "Really?" He nodded taking a long sip of his drink.

I smiled "sorry if things seem to be moving fast" I said he shook his head "Do you ever just see someone and just feel like you be long with them?" He asked I shrugged blushing.

"Well I kinda got that feeling with you, it's like sure i Just met you but I feel like I've known you for years" I laughed "And you got all those feelings from just seeing me" he shrugged and smirked "I mean Sure love is just a Reaction in our brain but I don't know this love just seems different"

I laughed even though I tried to hold it back, "Do you believe in love at first sight?" I asked "I do know." I couldn't help but smile.

(Flash back over)

It was the next day I woke up to the smell of coffee. Rolling over I noticed reaper wasn't there which was a huge surprise since he's always the one to sleep in.

Slowly getting up I walked to the kitchen where the scent admitted. He was humming while cracking a egg. "What's this?" I asked he looked at me "thought I'd make you breakfast for once" he said kissing me on the cheek, I blushed "Don't burn the house down" he nodded "Or poison me" he laughed "I'm offended you should have more faith in my cooking skills" I raised a non existent eyebrow "Why don't you stick to the drinks barista.

"Oh wow Geno" he teased being offended, "Suck it up buttercup" he chuckled "Why don't we make breakfast together hm?" I asked getting a start to the eggs he sighed "Fine, Less work for me."

Once we had finished making the meal I started placing the plates on the table, "hey Geno~" he said I looked behind me. He held a Cup out to me," I took it confused "I love you a latte~" I snicker "Cheesy" he shrugged "I got a laugh and a blush so I think it's pretty good" setting the cup next to my meal I felt him grab my hand gently.

"But that's not all I want to say." I looked at him puzzled, he grabbed something from behind his back, "Do you think you would marry me?" He said resistant.

I froze staring dumbfounded before tears started wheeling in my eyes "G-Geno it's okay if your not ready I know it's a big commitment and-" "Oh shush of course!" I threw my arms around him and he seemed shocked "Wait really?" I nodded he then kissed me.

When he pulled away his eye lights where sparkling "I need to call ink" I breathed he looked confused "huh?" I laughed with so much joy, giddy with excitement "You do know Ink is the one who got us together?" He nodded "So he has the right to know first"

He grabbed me by the waist before I could run for the phone, "Food first, Love then calling people okay? It's our anniversary I just want to be with you all day with out ink busting down our door again."

I giggled kissing his cheek "Okay, and what do you mean by love?" He smirked and winked before walking to take a seat.

Oh boy.

(take da cute stuff hope you enjoyed I tried my best with what energy I could muster)

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