jock reaper x Nerd Geno.

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(Reapers POV)
I leaned back lazily in my chair watching the clock tick by. History was always the longest class to be in.

"Reaper!" I looked up slightly annoyed I got called on "Why did BLAH BLAH BLAH" the rest of the question he was asking just sounded all
Jumbled so I spat out my go to answer "I don't know" then they went on a rant about how i need to pay attention but the last part caught my attention "I'll have to have a word with the coach if this keeps up hopefully that will encourage you to pay more attention and work harder if you won't be playing football (American btw just clarifying for the European readers) anymore.

Once the class is as over I stood at my locker ticked off at the teacher before I noticed the nerd walking to his locker smirking I headed over coming up behind him. I waited patiently for him to turn around before I slammed him harshly back wards with one hand next to his head pressing against the locker while the other gripped his scarf tightly.

His eyes widened "Heya nerd got history notes?." He was my go to for things like that since apparently history was his strong suit just ashame we don't have the same class and his notes would be more easy to get a hold of.

He shook his head nervously "I-i didn't have history yet." I grumbled slightly before leaning in closer seeing a bit of blush cross his face "heh well I expect the notes by the end of that class ya hear me. Or u will not like what happens next."

He nodded wide eyed "heh good~" I patted his cheek before turning to stroll to my next class.

(Genos POV)

I was stunned I mean he always picks on me but never like that never that close...? I finished at my locker before locking it and starting to walk to math. Reapers always bin in the same school as me when we where in elementary we used to be good friends he was kind and sweet back then. I even developed a small school crush on him. How ever when middle school started we drifted apart he hung out with the jocks and popular people and I stayed with my nerdy group.

By high school he started picking on me and grew rather bitter and snarky compared to the shy kindsouled person from my child hood.

When I was about to walk in the teacher stopped me eagerly "Oh Geno sorry but something things went wrong in the schedule sytem so we had to reassign you a different class which is science." "But I already took that last semester." "great you will definitely ace it then now runalong!" And I was pushed in the direction of the sciences hallway (That's how my school works there's a french hall sciences like the Chem lab and stuff then there's math and Ela Wing)

When I finally got there I recognized Mrs Oaks. Who looked surprised "Oh Geno what brings me the pleasure?" "Uh I got switched Hear" she pulled out a list then saw my name and beamed "Oh please do take a seat then!" I walked in the class nervously before seeing only one open seat next to none other then him. It had to be him!

I grudgingly took a seat next to Reaper who gave me a unreadable look before shrugging and looking out the window as mrs oaks continued her lesson "I need you all to pick a partner.. oh no better yet I'll assign you to your table mate. She winked at me. (She's secretly a Afterdeath Shipper to!) I sighed and instantly walked up "Mrs oaks you got to be kidding me I can't be with him." I said in a hushed voice but clearly she didn't get the memo to be more quite cause in the loudest voice possible she said "No you have to be with reaper no buts." I froze in embarrassment before dragging my self back to see reaper talking to some girl who was clearly flirting when she saw me sit down next to Reaper she gave me a dirty look.

I rolled my eye light and saw Mrs oaks was handing out papers "Since or lesson is on biology I want you and your partner to go on a nature walk and then write a report on what you saw and how it belongs in that ecosystem. So I assigned you each a place to go.

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