20. Rainbows and Aliens

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"She was trying to walk away and hold on at the same time; her mind was at war with her heart."
- unknown

"- unknown

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My face is illuminated by the enticing flashing neon lights. There are children giggling and crying and adults cheering by the game booths.

The atmosphere reeks of joy and happiness.
The only thing missing is Dumbo flying which I am happy about. No animal cruelty.

The humid air is now gone and a gust of cool breeze welcomes us.

"It's the fair." I semi yell with happiness. I haven't been to a fair since high school.

I have become boring over the years.

I mean I did travel the world, swim with the sharks, try tofu, and get engaged.

I am not so boring after all.

"Really? I think it was a freaking aquarium." Aiden monotonously says.

"Wow there's someone who can actually keep up." Daniel chimes in. I give him a cold glare. He has the audacity to wink at me.

What's going on with him? Why is he so cool with everything?

Daniel is a big mystery of his own, to save myself from a headache I chose to ignore Daniel's motives.

Aiden's a classic Rubix's cube while Daniel is a complex star Rubix's cube and let's just say I am colorblind.

My ankle has not shown any sign of recovery therefore Aiden once again had to carry me like a child.

I don't complain which is weird considering Daniel is here.

I really need an instruction manual on how to survive without dying from awkwardness.

Aiden takes lightly longer steps towards the fair. If I were him I would be groaning and making other noises that will have people questioning humanity. I am not exactly light.

Daniel wanted to carry me but Aiden ensured he got this.

The fair is decorated with small red and white stripped booths, games, lot of food vendors and rides. Amongst all the crown jule of the fair is designed extensive blinding lights; the fairs wheel.

It changes from red, orange, yellow, green, followed by violet and indigo.

The rainbow. We get it. Move on.

Let me just appreciate all the work some random person put into it. It's the little things in life.

Imagine if the wheel broke and let lose. It starts spinning and chasing us and doesn't stop till we fall into a lake where we are almost devoured by crocodiles.

Stop being so pessimistic. I tell myself.

The aurora of cotton candy and fresh popcorn engulf my nose and all the worry vanish.

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