17. Skipping stones

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"There's that one person you'll never get over no matter how long it's been."
- Avinash Wandre

" - Avinash Wandre

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Seconds turned into minutes, minutes quickly turned into hours.

Just like that it's my favorite time of the day.

The sun has began to set, though much of the sky is covered by row of ancient trees I could still see the tangerine orange bleeding into a soft pink. The warm orange glow soon turned into a dusky purple.

Sunsets are magical, they don't last long but they linger around long enough give you a moment of pure bliss worth remembering.

I feel Aiden by my side watching the sunset with me.

I always hoped this is what our life would be like, growing old, loosing our teeth, and watching sunsets together, talking through the night till sunrise.

The sun bids goodbye letting the moon shine with the light endowed from the sun.

Our story was like a beautiful sunset but we managed to get lost into the long dark night, we didn't make it to the sunrise. Now it's all  just pure darkness, metaphorically and literally.

Aiden held so much importance in my life.

His silhouette is sketched in silver hues in my heart.

I don't plan on pinning for him for the rest of my life.

No! I have given up on the idea of us when I got a letter that read "Thank You".

I had written him a letter pouring my heart out because I didn't have the courage to tell him in person and a week later I got a reply. The reply hurt not because he didn't reciprocate the feelings back. It hurt that I am not worth a few words.

We were drifted apart but we were best friends once.

A goodbye would've been nice.

Watching the radiant sunset with him being by my side gave me a sense of peace and serenity that I have been craving for far too long. I know this won't last but I can savor while it does.

Soon enough darkness crept up and I am reminded to keep my guards up.

"It's getting dark." He suddenly says.

"What makes you say that?" I reply sarcastically.

"Why do I even bother?" He sighs. Just then an unfamiliar sound catches our attention. We both look at each other.

"What was that?" I ask him hoping he somehow had the answer.

"I dont want to stay here and find out." He replies and gets up.

The noise still prevails. I don't get scared easily but that's not a soothing sound.

It sounds heavy like footsteps.

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