"I haven't ruled anything out yet. I know people's skill levels and those who are my allies know who they are".

Honestly, I'm just making this shit up now. As long as I stay in character, I'll be fine.

He smiled at me. "Hmmm so mysterious. What about your district partner then?"

I pretended to consider it. "We're on different paths but like I said my true allies know who they are".

Like no one.

A chime went off as I finished my sentence and I swear half the crowd screamed like they were in pain. Capital people are crazy.

Caesar gave me a regrettable smile. "I believe that's all our time my dear. Give a round of applause for the alluring Lyra Powell of District Ten".

I walked confidently off stage and breathed a sigh of fucking relief. Thank god that's over.

Slendor immediately came up to me and clapped me on the back. "Nice acting, Beautiful. I think half of the capitols already in love with you. Now let's go see how well Bill does".

He dragged me into a separate room where Blu was watching.

He played the cocky card. I mean it's not like I cared how he came across he wasn't my problem anymore. But let's be real, he came off as a bigger idiot then I already thought he was. Duke played humble and it worked for him. People seemed to like that more because it's a different angle compared to all the careers.

That night I didn't get much sleep. I started thinking what if the arena isn't a desert. Maybe I've been learning to find water for no reason when I should've been learning something else. Just make it to day two. Don't be the first to die. That's all I've got to do, and my district will be proud. I'll fight if I can, even if that's by hiding for as long as I can. I'll do what I must to survive. No regrets. I don't have to necessarily kill to win. Although statistically speaking if I don't kill, I'm increasing my fatality rate by 95%. Yeah, I'm so fucked.

Today's the day I potentially die. No one was speaking at breakfast, but I made it my mission to eat as much food and water as possible. It could be a while before I see food again. After all I don't know how to hunt so you bet your ass, I'm having my full now.

After breakfast we were escorted by Slendor to the rooftop where a hovercraft would take us to the arena. My hands couldn't stop shaking.

We stopped just in-front of the hovercraft. Slendor sighed. "Just don't give up you two. Remember to keep fighting and you'll make your district proud".

I nodded and he gave both of us a hug. A little unexpected from Slendor but I took it anyways. I think I needed it.

Once we were alone with all the other tributes, peacekeepers started inserting trackers into our arms. Not gonna lie, it hurt like a bitch.

When we landed it was underground of what I can only guess is the arena. Three peacekeepers then escorted us separately to our pods.

When I entered the room that contained mine, I was surprised to see Little Miss Freaky.

I quickly got dressed in the outfit she handed me. It looked like a checked school dress and school shoes.

I looked at myself in confusion and then at Blu.

She sighed. "I wish I could give you some sort of hint but this one has me stumped. The games are always some sort of terrain. The odds of it actually being a school are zero to one. Although they did have a ruined city one year, perhaps it's a school in ruins?"

I shrugged. The uniform had me stumped. On the dress where there'd usually be a school logo was the symbol of District Ten.

She was tearing up a little and put her blue skinned hand on my cheek. "This is always the hardest part, Honey." She sniffed and then straightened up her posture when the countdown began. "Now, into the pod, spit spot"

I smirked at her. "For the record I think you're better in blue, Blu".

She giggled and lifted up her long skirt and showed me her knee-high blue socks. "Wore them just for you, Honey".

"Here". She tied my brother's lucky shoelace into my shoe and held my hands. "Now you're truly ready"

"Ten Seconds remaining".

"Spit spot, into the pod". I stepped in and it seemed like only one second had passed before I was being lifted up and Blu's face was no longer visible. I was attacked by light and when my eyes adjusted, I took it in.

"60, 59, 58..."

I'm staring at a playground. We were all surrounding it. On top of slides, in between steps and on top of the monkey bars were piles and piles of weapons. The cornucopia. The playground is the cornucopia!

"45,44, 43..."

I looked to my left and saw a massive oval. Two words came to mind, open and deadly. Avoid the oval.

"30, 29, 28..."

To my right was a school that was about three stories high. I whipped my head around in panic. That's it. It's a small arena, it's the size of a school. Therefore, it's going to be a quick games. They're not messing around this year. I'm going to have to hide in the school. I won't last the night.

"18, 17, 16..."

Find a place to hide in the school. Avoid the oval, it's open you'll be gutted by a career before you can even blink. Avoid the playground...it's going to be a blood bath. A few feet on the outskirts of the playground, more in the sandpit was a backpack. I'm going to grab it, run and hide somewhere in the school until I die.

"8, 7, 6..."

I locked eyes with the person to my left it was Bill and he broke the contact instantly. He won't hesitate to kill me. The boy from Elven was next to me too. The boys were in white shirts their district as the school logo and black school shorts.




1...Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to the 67th annual Huger Games!"

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