I walked towards the piece of parchment and picked it up from the floor but when I looked up to return it to Bella, she was already gone.

I turned the parchment around in my palm to see that it was actually a photograph of herself and two older people who I assumed were Mr. and Mrs. Rose.

Her parents had blonde hair and dark brown eyes, much different than Bella's dark hair and striking green eyes.

I pocketed the photo and walked back to Neville and Hermione, pulling out some parchment and getting to work on my essay.

From the distance, while I was working, I heard Fred's voice. What we he doing in the library? I craned my neck to see that he was sitting a few tables away with Jenna, they couldn't see me because of the pile of books around me. I remembered that Jenna had needed help with her homework.

"No no the shrivelfig goes in first" Fred said, looking slightly annoyed.

"Oh sorry, you know you're like really really smart" said Jenna.

I tried not to eavesdrop in their conversation but I couldn't help myself.

"George is actually the smarter one, but sure I'll take that" Fred shrugged.

Jenna let out a loud laugh, resting her hand on his shoulder.

"Yea but you're the more good looking one" said Jenna.

Was she flirting with him?

"Obviously" scoffed Fred.

"Anyway back to work-" Fred started but Jenna interrupted him.

"No but I mean it, you're like really cute"

I couldn't listen to their conversation anymore, I snapped my book shut and left for the Hufflepuff Common room.


When I was walking towards the room of requirement for the DA meeting, I heard George call out to me. I turned around to see him and Marianne walking towards me.

"Hey Alice, have you seen Fred anywhere?"

"I saw him in the library about two hours ago" I replied.

"That's weird, what was Fred out of all people doing in the library?"

I hesitated for a minute.

"He was helping Jenna with her homework"

"Jenna? Oh my god she's so annoying, she's in my year and she never shuts up" Marianne rolled her eyes.

The three of us walked into the room of requirement to see that Fred was already there, standing, next to Jenna.

What were they still doing together?

Fred said something and Jenna laughed as if her life depended on it. I felt something weird in my stomach when I saw Fred and Jenna together. I tried to shake it off and walked towards them, mustering a smile on my face.

"Hi Fred, Jenna" I pecked Fred lightly on the cheek and Jenna scorned but hid it almost instantly.

"Hello Alice" she said, crossing her arms.

Before I could say anything else, Harry started giving instructions to the group. But while Harry was talking, there was a sudden thumping sound on one of the walls. Harry immediately stopped in his tracks.

What was going on?

Harry turned and started walking slowly towards the sound.

Without any warning, the wall exploded and a large hole formed, exposing the room of requirement to the outside world.

As we recovered from the explosion, we saw Umbridge standing there with the inquisitor squad. Draco held Marietta by the collar.

"She ratted us out" Fred whispered.

Draco looked quite proud of himself, he looked around at the rest of us and smirked but when his eyes landed on me, he faltered a bit. His expressions twisted into that of confusion.

"Each and every one of you in this room will receive detention" Umbridge shouted, looking furious.

"I can't fucking believe her!" I exclaimed.

" Sometimes, I think she's even worse than Snape"

Before you (Fred Weasley)Where stories live. Discover now