Chapter 18

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But who would've guessed an angel?"

"And what's with the eight wings?" Suga asked as he watched the feathers flutter.

"wait it's eight now?" Hinata was about to twist when he realized he could see his wings without having to turn his head.

"Woah there's eight..."

"Why are you surprised Hinata boke?" Kageyama snorted and Hinata glglared at the demon.

"Well I only had two when I was banished! How would I know?"

His pouted and Kageyama blushed a little but rubbed the back of his neck.

"Are you evolving? A demon's look also changes when they evolve."

"huh you said something useful." Hinata answered before actually thinking about it.

"I thought about it but I don't know. I know Angels can be Archangels but not further."

Kageyama thought hard before he had an idea.

"Who were your parents? They should help determine what you are."

Hinata awkwardly smiled as he avoided eye contact. "I Umm... Have no idea... I was always alone? So...."

"Dang.... Okay then, do you have something that changes with the species?"

Hinata looked with confusion as Kageyama pointed out his horns.

"Different species have different shapes and since the way Angels and Demons function are similar I thought angels would have something..."

"hey umm..." everyone looked towards Yamaguchi who was holding onto Tsukishima's sleeve while huddled with Noya.

"I thought all angels were supposed to have halos?"

Silence met the angel as he had a dumbstruck look.

"Why didn't I notice this?!"

He felt his head and confirmed he was missing a halo and gave the club a puzzled look.

"I never bothered to notice but yeah, everyone else had a halo but I never had... Huh..."

Kageyama shrugged and walked over, "guess no one knows what you are but that probably means you haven't finished evolving."

Hinata nodded as he murmured, "I guess I'll fully change by the end of the banishment?"

"Wait YOU WERE BANISHED?!!!" Suga shrieked as he ran over and cupped Hinata's face. "Are you okay? What happened?"

Hinata nodded as he explained how he got banished in the first place and pouted when Kageyama laughed at the fact he tripped over a cloud.

There were a few more giggles until Daichi noticed something. "you said just now that your banishment has an end? When's that?"

"Umm in a month when this year ends?"

"WHAT?!?" The whole club jumped as demon horns appeared with a terrifying scowl.


"Are you going to leave?" He tried calming down but it wasn't working.


"You can't!" he growled.

"But I don't have a choice?" Hinata answered tilting his head.

"Then change it!"


"BECAUSE I LIKE YOU!!!!!" the demon roared as his face flushed and he quickly became human looking again.

Hinata was speechless as remembered what Kageyama said when he saved him from Oikawa.

"You were serious????"

Thump thump...


Thump thump thump...


He blushed so hard that even his wings quivered a little and Hinata ended up floating around the ceiling covering his face.

Suga looked at the two blushing otherworldly dwellers and sighed.

They may be the real deal artifacts but they're also both just my dumb first years who can't even say their feelings properly...

"Okay, let's calm down. Hinata, come down before you float out a window. You're small enough to fit through that. For now, let's drop you home."

He turned to Kageyama as the angel landed in his arms. "He's gone through a lot okay Kageyama?"

The demon nodded and Suga held up Hinata's shirt which the angel quickly slipped into, face flushed.

When he got home, he flopped into the bed with his heart still thumping unevenly.

Why is my heart going crazy? It's not like I've ever properly spent time with him. He just... Wait....

Hinata sat up straight as he tried to remember what has happened in the past year.

He...was scary at first. But if it weren't for him then I wouldn't have thought to join a club in high school. And I can't imagine not knowing everyone in the club.

He smiled to himself as he remembered how he interacted with the others in the club.

It was super fun seeing the different worldly species. Like Shelly, the really pretty mermaid who married that guy with the gun. It was a little scary when he pointed it at me, thank the ruler that.... Oh....

I felt safe when Kageyama was there....

Hinata shook his head as he denied the feeling.

No no no no no no!!! That was because he told me to to blame my guilt on him!

It made me happy though...

He blushed again as he tried to calm his heart down.

Now that I think about it... When did my heart start going nuts when I saw him?

He frowned before he remembered.

Oh! It was with Yamaguchi and Tsukishima when they found out about the fact I wasn't human.

He blushed as he remembered the piercing eyes. No one had ever looked at him so directly before and it made his heart skip beats.

No! But... Do I like him seriously that way though?

I don't hate him... I like him as a friend but....

Not knowing how to feel, Hinata went to bed worrying over it and when the next day came, he was overly self conscious.

He had less then a month to work it out and Kageyama spent the whole time keeping his distance to let Hinata work it out.

It was a little lonely to not rest against him at random intervals during the day but he didn't feel sad because the demon was always within his range. Whether it be in class where they were about four seats apart or just walking around the school. Kageyama would not be next to him but close by.

I... Think I like him too....

The conclusion felt right but inside, Hinata knew it was wrong.

So what if I do? If I admit it, it will hurt both of us more when I leave.

Seraphim From The Sky [Completed] |KageHina Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora