Chapter 4

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The two snuggled against each other comfortably as Tsukishima and Kageyama squabbled, Daichi and Suga ignoring the whole thing.

By the time the two first years finished their petty fight and turned to look for their smaller counterparts, Hinata and Yamaguchi had fallen asleep snuggled against each other under the desk.

Daichi had given Suga his large blazer to cover the two sleeping boys and the two third years were now just sorting out their future club activities.

Kageyama was about to walk over and wake them when Tsukishima stopped him.

"Stop, let them sleep."

"huh?! Why?!"

The blonde sighed as he pointed at Yamaguchi.

"He's is a pixie."

Silence hung before the two third years got up in surprise. "what?"

Tsukishima knelt down next to the two sleeping boys and gently brushed aside Yamaguchi's hair revealing two pointed ears.

"It's the reason we joined in the first place." Tsukishima sighed as he brushed the hair back. "Yamaguchi doesn't trust humans easily so if he finds this little ginger comfortable enough to fall asleep on, then I don't mind."

"Then why does he like a salty bastard like you?" Kageyama resorted and Tsukishima sighed.

As it turned out, Tsukishima's family were actually non human hunters and Yamaguchi was caught in one of their traps as a kid. It also just happened to be Tsukishima 's very first trap so he was very surprised to find  a crying pixie entangled in the net.

Tsukishima had felt bad for the pixie since it seemed to be just a kid no older than him and in the end, decided to let him go.

However because of his kind actions, Yamaguchi kept coming back and eventually managed to mentain human form. This allowed him to attend school with Tsukishima and being secretly attached to his new friend, Tsukishima immediately cut ties to his family and started to live alone.

They got funds from a non human protection system that allowed the two boys to live alone and together as long as a document about Yamaguchi was given in monthly.

They've been together since and even now, Tsukishima wants to know as much as he can about pixies resulting in him joining research clubs.

Daichi and Suga nodded as they knew about the existence of non human hunters. They were the number one reason why non humans hid their existence in the first place.

The day was almost over and when it was time to leave, Tsukishima gently woke Yamaguchi up. The stirring awoke Hinata as well and the two boys yawned before slowly getting up.

"Hey tiny, I need to talk to you."

With that, Hinata was dragged off by Tsukishima with Yamaguchi close behind.

They went around the back before Tsukishima pinned Hinata against the wall.

"I did you a favor earlier by calling you human but I know for a fact you aren't."

Yamaguchi looked questioningly before realizing it would make sense.

Tsukishima noted the nod from Yamaguchi before continuing, "I can't tell what you are though so I see you are one of the few who practiced. You're pretty good at hiding yourself aren't you non human?"

Hinata gulped as he felt his back itch, his folded wings quivering in anxiety.

"I'm not going to sell you out don't worry." Tsukishima said as he leaned back a little giving the angel space to calm down.

"Yamaguchi seems to like you so I'll put up with you."

Yamaguchi smiled knowing there was another non human in the club and Hinata calmed down. His secret wasn't going to be exposed.

At that moment, Kageyama was walking back to the club room after getting himself a carton of milk and saw Tsukishima pinning Hinata to the wall.

His blood boiled in rage and before he knew what was going on, he was running over with intent to kill.

"What are you doing to my prey?!?!"

Hinata turned his head from where he stood pinned under Tsukishima and looked up and saw Kageyama's piercing eyes glaring.


Tsukishima smirked not moving on purpose, "He's not yours."

He's doing that on purpose...

Hinata stayed silent as he waited for Kageyama 's answer, his heart thumping progressively louder.

"Yes he is."

He pushed Tsukishima out the way and was now pinning the ginger against the wall.

Badump Badump

What was wrong with his heartbeat? Hinata was getting more and more confused as he tried to sort out his thoughts, words blubbering out if his mouth catching Kageyama's attention.

"I... I..."

"You what? Hurry up, you're mine aren't you?"

Hinata blushed as he suddenly shoved forward.

"No I'm not!"


"I hate you Bakayama!" Hinata ran off in the direction of the bike shed and grabbed his bike before bumping into the demon waiting by the gate.

"What do you mean you're not mine?"

Hinata blushed bright red before leaping onto his bike before pedaling off as quick as he can.

"Bakayama baka!!!!"

The ride back was quick and Hinata flopped into his bed, heart thumping.

What is wrong with me?

His wings felt twitchy and Hinata took off his shirt, slowly unfolding the feathers and gave a good flap, lifting his whole body up briefly.

I haven't flown for a while...

No I could get caught...

He sighed as he got into the shower.

I'll just unfold my wings at home.

He washed his body before he looked in the mirror and noticed a difference. He... Didn't have two wings?


Clambering around to get closer to the mirror, Hinata's eyes widen as he noted that the two... Had become four....

What was going on?

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