Chapter 14

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He's a will o' wisp."

"Wait seriously? Let me write this down."

Suga and Daichi immediately started to jot down everything as Kageyama carried on.

"Umm, let's see. In human form, they don't have any legs I think."

"WHAT?!?!?" The others looked shocked as they heard this and Kageyama nodded.

"Are you sure?" Suga asked.

"uh huh"

"Then how on earth have people not reported beings with missing legs???"

Kageyama thought hard before he shrugged.

"They're good at hiding it? I don't know but I'm pretty sure any otherworld dweller can see him easily."

He nodded remembering what happened one time in the past.

"They're just torso because they don't have a large enough physical body to mentain a full human. Unlike the other non humans except for the pixies, who shrink the extra body parts and gain an ability, will o' wisps have to stretch themselves out."

Daichi and Suga nodded as they quickly drew diagrams and tried to remember everything Kageyama said.

"Pixies are an exception because although they grow to become more human like, they have a naturally round body so their human forms are super skinny because they got stretched. The point is that a will o' wisp doesn't physically have enough body to have a full one. "

Kageyama then drew a squiggly line across his waist with his finger before continuing.

"They don't have an ass either, they are literally a floating torso. Oh, they don't have the need to eat unless it's for the fun of it because the food just gets burnt by their internal flame."

Kageyama thought hard as he tried to remember what he saw the will o' wisp eat before.

"I'm pretty sure he ate milk bread for the fun of it though, I guess it's probably for the way it's soft. He likes soft things oddly enough."

The information was more personal than overall for will o' wisps so Daichi and Suga put this information into the specific study rather than the specie study.

"Why do you know him?" Hinata asked from Kageyama's lap.

"Ah... He had a soul to guide to hell and I needed to collect it to send it there."

"Oh... I see....."

He is a demon after all. Was the consensus among the others as Hinata's eyes glowed up.

"Woah! That's cool! How do you send them?"

Hinata's onslaught of questions took Kageyama off guard and the third years appreciated Hinata's curiousity since it could improve their understanding.

"I umm... Swallow the soul..."

"Like you ate it?"



Kageyama blushed a little as Hinata excitedly patted his arms that were around his waist.

Suga got up and got grabbed the case with the witness papers and clapped his hands.

"Well then, let's head over now!"

"NO!!!" Kageyama suddenly yelled and it took everyone by surprise.

"Why? What's wrong Kageyama?" Hinata asked out of concern.


Kageyama looked at Hinata in his lap and squeezed him a little tighter.

"We can only go if Hinata stays behind!"

"What? Why?" Hinata struggled and Kageyama refused to let go.

"Just because!"

No one knew how to handle the situation but after Kageyama insisted he wouldn't go unless Hinata stayed, the sad faces on the others got Hinata to stay in the club room as the others left.

It had been just over five minutes after they had gone and Hinata was ready. He had promised to not leave the club room so the others can leave but he technically didn't promise to stay after they left.

He ran out of the club room and headed to the roof because if he wanted to catch up with the others, he needed to fly.

He outstretched his six wings and felt the breeze, it was soothing and the winds were good. One, two and...

Hinata's body lifted up into the sky and he immediately headed for the clouds. He didn't want to be seen after all.

"So. .. why couldn't Hinata come?" asked Suga as the club got onto a private bus. The train had broken down so it would take longer than planned to reach the red light district.

Kageyama was silent for a minute before he answered. "Oikawa hates me."



"We...umm can you do me a favor?

"sure what is it?"

"can you not write this down and keep it a secret?"

"why's that?"

"Umm... What I'm about to say is actually dangerous if humans were to know as common knowledge."

The words were heavy and the club nodded as they listened.

"okay so where do I start? Me and Oikawa were both born roughly at the same time.... A couple thousand years ago."

"What?" the club looked at Kageyama in confusion.

"I'll explain in a bit, but the point is that Oikawa and I met before this life and we knew each other."

The club nodded following.

"In the old world, the one before non humans lived among humans, there were only the existences of the otherworldly dwellers. Humans were the only earth dwelling creatures along with the animals.

And the otherworldly creatures consisted of us demons and the angel race like it is now.

The other non humans lived in what was known as the sub dimensional spaces.

This is the part that you definitely cannot share, understand?"

The others nodded.

"Right, there was one space called heaven where humans could have the chance to be reincarnated."


Kageyama nodded before continuing.

"and the other space was the first layer of hell.

Those who somehow make it here, have the punishment of working their soul into exhaustion by over filling it with memories. When too many memories gather in one soul, it eventually goes insane."

The others nodded. It seemed llike their understanding of the actual world was terrifyingly miniscule and it scared them.

"Oikawa and I.... Are two of the people who were sent to the first layer of hell."

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