Chapter 1

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Hinata was a simple middle school boy who moved into the neighborhood just recently. Bright and cheerful was how they described him as he ran down the street to school and no one questioned why they never saw his parents.

The reason why they never saw his parents? Simple, Hinata didn't know who his parents were. In fact, that wasn't the only secret Hinata had and it was the reason he moved here in the first place.

And that secret being the fact Hinata wasn't human. He was an angel.

Despite living in the world above for his whole life thus far, he got banished because he accidentally tripped over a cloud on the way to the bathroom.

He was just going about his errand to try and make himself a living because being a angel meant he was at the bottom of the hierarchy. He didn't have parents who could help him and no one seemed to want to get close to the poor ginger.

He was always alone but he shook it off, he needed to be positive. And...he fell head first into another angel who was carrying a jug of wine which fell onto a dominion flying passed.

The dominion was an angel who gave guidence to those below itself and that resulted in him receiving a punishment that was to live on earth for four years.

His wings were given the ability to completely fold in themselves and left no trace unless he were to be top less. As long as his back wasn't bare, he would look completely human and with that, he descended down and that brings him to now.

He had lived almost three years already in a middle school where he acted as an ordinary student. Getting surrounded with chatting friends, screaming about his failing test scores, getting cheered on in sports and just ordinary life. He even joined a club and since nothing else peaked his interest, he became part of the Non Human Research Club.

It was fun to learn about the other few species out there and it was intriguing to learn human opinions. They all differed and the knowledge was quite useful.

By the time the end of the third year had arrived, there was one final club outing to be done and they headed out into the red light district. They wanted to find a human formed will o' wisp.

They had no tell tale features that indicated they weren't human unfortunately, because there wasn't much about them. But that just proved how well they could hide themselves in the world.

Either way, the club were walking down the loud streets that were busy with many people rushing around in large groups. Pretty woman were dressed exquisitely as they showed off their bouncing bodies.

Hinata felt awkward but it was more comfortable there because non humans were completely out in the open. Red light districts were where they gathered because here, only money mattered and race did not.

After asking around, they found out about a will o' wisp who regularly visited the center brothel and the club gulped nervously as the braced themselves.

A few winds and turns later, they were getting closer to the brothel that they were told to get to and for some reason, there was a loud commotion.

Smoke was rising out of the brothel they were supposed to search in and at that moment, a demon walks passed.

He wasn't hiding that he was a demon at all as he was lazily half transformed with his horns and tail completely out.

As he walked passed Hinata and his group, his nose twitched and he whipped around and grabbed Hinata by the shoulders.

"You... smell delicious..."

The club freezes as he sniffs around Hinata and they stiffen as they saw a black tongue smirk out and trace Hinata's cheek.

"I could eat you whole right no-wha?"

A stranger dragged him off forcefully, yanking his collar back with an angry expression.

"Kageyama! Pull yourself together! Don't push your anger onto strangers just because you lost that fight!"

The demon seemed to calm down but still pointed at the terrified group, "that one smells good."

Hinata stared shocked as the warm creepy sensation of a tongue sent shivers down his spine.

The stranger noticed the fear and let go of the demon before peering into Hinata's face, "hey, you okay?"

Hinata nodded quickly before bowing, "Thank you for saving me!"

The stranger gave a small nod before standing back up and glanced at the demon before pulling out a phone.

"Oh that's ok, here. Take my number."

Hinata quickly written down the number onto his phone and sent a message to exchange his own number.

"Just call me Iwaizumi, call when you're in trouble with him again and I'll see if I can help. I need to take my leave now. Bye."

He bowed before dragging the demon off and Hinata watched as the two dissappeared into the crowd.

The club snapped back into life before they grabbed Hinata by the arm and immediately, ran off home.

For the rest of the year, the club ended up making the trip into a story to tell new members about how they faced a demon.

As for Hinata, his mind was completely filled with how helpless he had felt when he had his face examined and licked by a demon.

Kageyama was what Iwaizumi called him right? I hope I never see him again, he gave me the creeps.

Whether it be good or bad thoughts, Hinata ended up finishing his third year thinking of a demon he surely would never meet again.

There just was no way right?

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