Chapter 8

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"WHO'S ASAHI?!?!?!"

The third years inside all jumped in surprise as they saw Hinata slam open the door. No one know how to respond so the first year was met with a few snorts of laugher.

Someone was about to make fun of the tiny ginger fuming at the door when Kageyama casually leaned in over his head and the whole room shut up. Chills went down their spine as Hinata looked up at Kageyama with a frown.

"You're here too? But I guess he's not in..."

He looked sad and Kageyama ruffled his head. "Maybe we came at a bad time, we'll come back later okay?"

Hinata nodded awkwardly as he felt calmer after the head pat and he apologized to the class before leaving.

A full week later and Hinata had asked who Asahi was three times a day with Kageyama tagging along and they still had no answer.

By the end of the seventh day, Hinata sat on the floor outside the classroom clearly upset and Kageyama sat next to him silently as comfort.

He still didn't know what to do when Hinata was upset and Shelly's words were still in his mind.

Why was he going out of his way to help Hinata when he didn't really have any reason to be around him?

Either way, Hinata sat huddled next to the demon, clearly too upset to even care that it was Kageyama next to him. Until a random student gingerly walked up to them.

"H-h-hey... Why are y-y-you looking for Asahi?"

Hinata looked up at the rugged man who asked spoke up. His messy man bun made him look a little scary.

But his anger was stronger and he stood up quickly.

"I need to ask him why he ran away!"

The student looked a little confused. "Ran away?"


"well umm, Asahi isn't very good with people so maybe that's why he ran away?"

That was even Hinata got more annoyed.

"That might be true but Noya definitely wasn't someone he wasn't good with."

The student looked a little stunned at the name before he frowned as Hinata continued.

"Even when Noya was protecting him he-"

"Stop there."

The student's voice suddenly felt a lot more heavy and Kageyama immediately jumped up with an arm between Hinata and the student.

"Fine, I am Asahi so let's go somewhere else to talk."

He walked off and Hinata followed with Kageyama close behind. Hinata's anger was getting worse but he calmed down by the time they got to a secluded corridor.

"Now, what do you want?" Asahi's tone was harsh and Hinata took a deep breath before he spoke with no emotion in his voice.

"I wanted to ask why you ran away from Noya but from how the others describe you there's no point asking so let me tell you this."

Hinata's voice suddenly became heavy and even Kageyama felt a chill as he saw Hinata's serious eyes.

"When the person you care about gets hurt, isn't it natural for you to step forward wanting to protect them?"

I didn't have someone like that.

"Don't you want to do everything for the person you like for the simple reason being you CARE?!?"

Everyone avoided me when I was up there so I had no hand to hold.

"So IMAGINE the pain you would feel when you help the person you love only for them to ignore you!"

Why was I always alone? Who am I? Who are my parents? I had no friends either.

"Wouldn't that hurt?!"

But being left alone after knowing the sweet warm taste of friends must've hurt more.

"We get it, you feel responsible for Noya's suspension but for once, think how he feels!"

So I can't even imagine the pain he felt.

"That's it."

With that, Hinata bowed deeply and left Asahi in a huff. Kageyama gave a nod before running after the ginger, still trying to work out why he followed him around.

Hinata had gotten his hands on Noya's address, he knew he had to pay him a visit since he spoke to Asahi.

Just like that, he made his way to the given location with Kageyama close behind.

"It should be the next street over."

Kageyama nodded and Hinata carried on walking.

Huh? When did I start talking so normally to him?

He shook it off before they reached the front door and looked at the name plate. There was only one name...

"He lives alone?" Hinata questioned as he knocked on the door.

No reply.

He knocked again a little harder.

No reply.

"What do we do now?" Hinata sighed as Kageyama stepped forward. A second later, the door was open and Hinata stared mouth open. "K-Kageyama y-you..."

Kageyama shrugged as he looked at the open door he just picked with a nail as if he opened the lock without thinking.

An uneasy thrill shivered up Hinata as he followed after Kageyama who simply walked right in.

There was no one downstairs so the two headed upstairs where they heard a bunch of rustling.

"I-I-is that a g-gh-ghost?" Hinata stammered as he automatically clung onto Kageyama's sleeve.

The demon blushed a little but shook it off and opened the door to the rustling.

"WHO ARE YOU?!?!?" A loud voice screeched as they walked in. Inside, they found a room completely trashed with both branches, clothes and random objects in a circle forming an odd nest at the center. A boy who was half transformed had wings instead of arms and he had feathers all over his body. His brown and blonde striped hair stuck up in all directions as if he just woke up.

Hinata panicked before he remembered Suga's words.

He likes being called a senpai. He'll probably at least listen for a while if you call him that.

"Umm sorry for barging in. We're from the Research club! Are you Noya senpai?"

Immediately, the harpy calmed down and a blush appeared on his face as he became more human looking.

"Senpai? Aww aren't you adorable?"

He got up from his nest and jumped over showing them downstairs into the living room. He dissappeared momentarily to grab them both some drinks before sitting down with them.

"So what does my adorable kohai want with me?"

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