Chapter 21

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"So allow me to apologize for the years of loneliness by granting you the chance to devote yourself to me. You and your parents will never be separated again."

.... I should be happy because my family are finally here too and...

Hinata felt uneasy as his heart ached.

I wasn't lonely and either... Because I had a lot of fun with the people down there...and I completely forgot about returning when I met...

The light shined before touching his parents and they let go of their son.

"I see... That's how you truly feel."

His parents looker shocked as the ruler spoke to them too before bowing down, leaving Hinata to stand alone.

"I decree, my first mission to you Seraphim Shouyo Hinata."

The sudden announcement of a mission shook him but he pushed down his thoughts as he accepted.


"You will go to be my eyes and observe life on earth."



Hinata looked in disbelief as he looked into the light.

"I want a personal report every month about life down there and you will spend the rest of your time living among the humans."

Hinata was speechless as he heard this.

"You wish to be with a demon do you not?"

Shocked, Hinata automatically panicked. "You can read my mind?!"

A gentle chuckle came from the light and a strand came down and touched his cheek.

"All the angels are my children and although they serve me, I wish for their happiness too. And you have never taken a step away from the path of the light so even if it were to intertwine with one who walks the path of darkness, I know you will not lose your way."

Tears of joy filled Hinata as his heart quivered.

"So can you do it?"

Hinata smiled as he bowed down. Was that even a question anymore?

"Yes! I can! Please! Thank you!"

He accepted his mission and the light disappears, teleporting the Hinata's to were the dimensional barrier stood.

His parent turned to him with a sad stare.

"You just came back... Are you sure you want to return?"

Hinata smiled, although his parents had filled him with the warmth he had always wanted, his path no longer walked in the clouds.

"Yes, I do."

The smile gently before giving him a hug.

"He must be special then?" his mother whispered.

"He is."

"I'm not sure if we can trust a demon but you trust your judgment Shouyou." His father commented but his mother poked the man's face.

"Oh hush you, you're just upset that your boy has grown up and wants to be with his boyfriend."


Hinata blushes and his mother laughed and winked at him.

"Did you forget we are all seeing? Of course we make sure you're okay you silly child. Now, go be happy and come visit us after you give in your monthly report okay?"

Hinata grinned sheepishly as he gave his parents one final hug.

"I will!"

With that, the dimensional hole opened at his command and Hinata waved before jumping through, stretching his wings as he started to fall through the sky.

Kageyama had spent the whole time crying  tears of blood at the sky, the demonic streams rolling down his cheek.

Why did I not hold onto him? If I did, I maybe could've-

A flash of light reappeared and his heart skipped as he saw a figure falling down from the sky.

"H-Hinata?" his voice felt strangled as he got up, and focused all his demonic sight on the person.



He jumped to the top of the tree as Hinata fell closer and when he was in range, Kageyama sprung from the branch and launched himself towards the ginger and they collided in the air.

A claw cupping the Seraphim's face with the other clutching Hinata's waist, the two briefly smiled before they fell from the sky to the ground.

They landed gently with Hinata on Kageyama's lap and before the angel could try to explain what happened, Kageyama placed a finger on his lips just like when they first met.

But this time, Hinata leaned into his touch rather than shiver in fright from it.

Kageyama bumped their foreheads together as he murmured into his ear.

"Later, for now... I just want to stay like this for a bit."

He wrapped both arms around Hinata's waist before resting his chin in the nape of his neck and putting an ear to his shoulder.

"I'm... so glad your back..."

Hinata smiled and hugged him back, his small arms tightly holding to the demon's back.

"I'm so glad I am... "

They bump foreheads again and stare into each other's eyes, one glistening orange like the sun itself while the other glinted black like the night sky.

Kageyama let one hand go from Hinata's waist and gently brushed aside some of the fluffy hair before cupping the ginger's soft cheek.

"Can you... repeat what you said earlier?"

He gazed so passionately that Hinata felt like melting from the warmth bubbling from his heart.

"Hmm? That's an easy one Bakayama!"

"oi... Don't call me that now!"

Hinata giggled as he whispered into the demon's ear, before bringing his two own arms from behind Kageyama's back forward and tucked them against himself, palms on Kageyama's shoulder and chest.

"I love you Kageyama!"

The demon seemed to melt at the words as he tilted Hinata's face upward and they closed their eyes before bringing their lips together for a kiss.

A feeling of sweet relief and warmth washed over as their lips parted in the night air and Kageyama whispered gently.

"I love you too, Hinata boke"


"you started it."


"dammit I love you."

" too."

Seraphim From The Sky [Completed] |KageHina Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang