Chapter 3

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Almost a month had passed when Hinata and the demon, full name Tobio Kageyama, had memorized almost all the important basics.

Hinata took forever memorizing things but he already knew most of the basics. Kageyama was a fast learner but had to learn everything from scratch so ultimately, the finished around the same time.

As they knew, only 5% of the total population is made up of non humans. Thus far, there seems to be only six species that have a rank of difficulty to find.

Out of these, there are two types, the earth dwellers and the otherworldly dwellers.

The easiest to find information about as well as identify, was the water type, mermaid. They have noticeable gills in their necks as well as a couple shimmering scales scattered on their legs.

Next was the air type, harpy. They were known to have natural multicolored hair that would mimic their feather pattern when they weren't transformed. Their unbelievable athletic strength and ability to jump high was also a way to identify them.

Then the earth type, pixies. A lot less are known about them in comparison to the previous two because pixies prefer to not interact with humans. However, their massive curiosity resulted in them just being hidden everywhere. They were just hard to detect since their human form was perfect apart from the slightly pointed ears being their only giveaway.

And the fire type, will o' wisps. They were seen once every blue moon when they're out to collect souls of the lost. Apart from then, no one knows how to spot one so no information could be uncovered about them. They were the hardest earth dweller type to find.

Non humans can only breed with their own kind, interspecie children can't be born for the simple reason that their bodies are incompatible. Even if one parent is non human and the other was human, a child cannot be born. However, there is still a chance, as small as it is, for a single specie only couple to have a different specie child. The phenomenon wasn't impossible.

(eg humans having non human baby, or harpies giving birth to a pixie etc)

The last two types are the otherworldly types. The more well known type was the demons, famous for their climb up from hell to eat humans for unknown reasons.

According to Kageyama, their reasons vary from simple hunger to looking for a mate. Suga and Daichi wrote it down quickly because this information was very valuable.

Even though demons are so famous and easily identified, the reason they had virtually no information was because demons were strong. Humans would just die trying to get the information and even if they wanted to capture a demon, it was simply impossible so no one could stop them even if they wanted to.

"What about the last type?" Kageyama asked as he looked at the limited information about his race.

"Oh that?" Suga smiled as they had completedly gone through all the papers except one. The paper only had a single paragraph which he had memorized.

"Yeah, the last otherworldly specie are the opposite of demons. They are the angels. But no one has ever seen an actual angel since the beginning of the non human race appearing so this paragraph hasn't changed since the first sighting as no one has seen one since. They assumed it was a false sighting at first but too many people witnessed this said scene saying they saw it ascend to the world above. "

Hinata twitched nervously and his back itched as he realized that he was probably the only one of his race in this world. It felt a little lonely...

"Anyway!" Suga clapped his hands and Daichi gave Hinata and Kageyama their folders before taking over the talking. "Our first task is to document all the races by hand. There isn't enough proof that the information documented is accurate so clubs such as ours are tasked to go find them and get eye witnessed reports."

He pointed to the papers stacked neatly in their folders,"and well, we got the information but this type of club often gets many negative remarks from people who hate non humans. Many have quit because of the bullying so we never actually could go out on exhibition because of numbers."

He then smiled at the two first years, "So I'm glad you joined."

Hinata returned the smile as Kageyama looked away awkwardly and at that moment, a shrill cry came from the door as it slammed open.


A tall blonde with a displeased look on his face stepped inside before looking around. A shorter boy with freckles and green hair that covered his ears stood behind him. He was holding onto the blonde's shirt as he was dragged inside.

"Is this the research club?" The blonde asked in monotone. Daichi nodded before going to his cupboard to get more application papers.

"Yeah it is."

"We're joining."

Suga lit up and walked over with a smile. "Oh, then welcome!"

Daichi handed them the papers and just like that, two more people had joined.

Kei Tsukishima was the name of the snarky blonde and once he was officially in, he walked over to Kageyama.

"Oh? What did hell throw up here?" he smirked as Kageyama glared back.


"Calm down you dumb demon, I'm just asking why a filthy creature like you is here."

"Tsukki!" Yamaguchi, the name of the freckled boy, exclaimed as he quickly finished up his paper but before he could stop Tsukishima, Hinata stopped him.

"I think it's going to be okay."

Yamaguchi looked worridly at Tsukishima but Hinata's presence was so warm and calming that he stopped at just sat next to Hinata.


"what's wrong Yamaguchi?" Hinata asked as he snuggled closer to the green head, his body was quite warm.

"it's weird, I thought Tsukki was the only human I could feel safe next to..."

Hinata didn't reply but instead just patted the other's head.

The two snuggled against each other comfortably as Tsukishima and Kageyama squabbled, Daichi and Suga ignoring the whole thing.

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