Chapter 5

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What was going on?

He was an angel right?

He knew that angels can evolve up the chain if they discover the truths of the world because the words of the ruler are the truth. The closer they are to true understanding, the more powerful they can grow.

There were a total of nine angel species all in their own hierarchy.

The third triad, the lowest stage, were the majority with Angels at the very bottom. They were the ones responsible for looking after the humans below and their nature.

Above them were the Archangels, known as rising Angels. They helped look after the human's life itself.

And at the top of the third triad, were the Principalities. They were the angels of time and blessing, guardian of countrys and cities and the education of humans.

Then there's the second triad. At their bottom are the Powers. They're the angels of power and defense, the keepers of history and the warriors of the ruler.

Above them are the Virtues, they are the angels of choice and motion, providing enlightenment to those around them.

And the top of the second triad, the Dominions. They were the angels of intuition, the leaders, the ones who give guidance to those below them.

And the first triad that stood at the top serving the ruler personally.

At the bottom of that, stood the Thrones. The angels of will and justice and givers of positive energy.

Above them were the Cherubims, the angels of harmony and wisdom. The guardians of spiritual sanctuaries and also the one looking after the non humans on the earth.

And finally, the one who stands at the top just under the ruler themselves, stand the Seraphims. The angels of love, light and fire. They are the guardians of the ruler's thone. The ones who stand at top.

Depending on the angel's path, they can evolve into Archangels but even so... Four wings wasn't that!

Hinata never knew his parents so no one could actually tell him anything, he would just live life as it came wishing one day he could meet his parents. Maybe then he could be happy.

He shook the longing to meet his parents away as Hinata focused on his wings again.

Let's say I am evolving but I need knowledge to do that...

Even Hinata knew, and as much as he hated admitting it, he was super stupid. So why were his wings evolving?

He sighed as his head overloaded.

My wings have been itchy lately, maybe I just itched them in half?

Despite his naivety about his actual breed, Hinata didn't realize it but he truly was evolving and his pure nature just couldn't wrap his little head around it.

But because of this, he thought nothing of it believing that his wings were just ichy.

The next day,

"We got the details for our first outing!" Daichi announced as Tsukishima and Yamaguchi, who were last to show up, sat down.

The blonde was on the sofa while the pixie snuggled automatically next to Hinata, much to the demon's annoyance.

"Our intel shows that there had been rumors of a mermaid living with a human, more specifically... An interspecie couple."

Kageyama's eyes lit up with interest as he leaned forward eagerly.

"Apparently, the guy quit his stable job after finally earning enough money to buy some land that had a lake in the middle."

The group nodded before changing to get ready to leave.

"wait didn't you say the man bought the land?" Hinata questioned as they reached near the destination.

"yeah." Daichi responded as he made sure all the papers were there.

"but... Doesn't that mean we're trying to trespass?"

The silence made Hinata awkward as he realized what they were doing. He didn't want to do it. He didn't want to break any rules...

"hey are you okay?"

"huh?" Hinata turned to look at Kageyama who dragged him out of his shock.

"y-yeah... It's just club activities... I've don't something similar before but..."

Kageyama didn't know what to do as Hinata panicked over breaking rules.

Last year, Hinata managed to convince himself that as long as he didn't do anything illegal, all he did was walk pass the red light district and nothing more.

But there was no excuse here.

Kageyama noticed the stress levels peak and sighed. He lifted a hand and messily patted Hinata's head.

"hey umm... I have no idea what's wrong but if you feel bad, blame me."

Hinata's eyes widened as he heard those words and looked questioningly at the demon who was looking away awkwardly.

"I was the reason you joined in the first place right? Because I called you... My prey..."

Hinata smiled and Kageyama blushed a little.

"s-so! Anything bad you do is my fault okay? I'm taking responsibility a-and... I'm not going to eat you okay?"

Hinata nodded and the weight inside him left a lot better. Trespassing was still bad but... It seemed tolerable is Kageyama was there.

Wait... Wasn't I literally terrified of him less than than a week ago?

Confusion hit the ginger but he brushed it off.

Whatever... It's not a big deal.

There was a massive fence cutting off the land from the outside and one by one, everyone got over the fence. Daichi and Suga worked together as Suga gave Daichi a leg up before the latter pulled the silver head up and they both jumped down.

They gave each other high fives for scaling the fence together as they waited for the others.

Tsukishima, being tall as he is, didn't need much effort to just pull himself over after a few steps up and Yamaguchi had transformed back into a pixie and sat on his shoulder the whole time.

Kageyama also returned to half his demon form, sending shivers down the whole club's spine before he easily jumped over and changed back.

They all turned to watch Hinata as he took a few steps back, ran, and took off.

Jumping almost over the fence, Hinata landed near the top, clambered over and landed on the floor with a huff.

"Woah! Wha was that?!" Suga gasped as Daichi's mouth hung open.

"oh umm... I'm good at jumping?"

Before any more comments could be made, a rustling caught their attention and right there by the trees, stood a guy holding a loaded shotgun.

"What do you kids want?!"

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