Chapter 6

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"What do you kids want?!"

With the shotgun aimed at them all, Tsukishima stood in front of Yamaguchi who had returned to being human.

"What's the big idea with the gun old man?"

He asked coldly with danger in his eyes. The sight reminded him of what his family would do with non humans and it irritated him to no end.

"Can't deal with a bunch of teenagers? So you deal with us using a gun? Such a responsibile adult."

His voice was laced with venom as he stood defensively.

"Tsukki!!!" Yamaguchi huffed grabbing Tsukishima's arm with his pointed ears twitching. The man noticed them and pointed at Yamaguchi.

"Your... Not human?"

Before Tsukishima could throw more salt, Daichi stepped in.

"Yes, we're a research club who want to meet with the mermaid you are keeping."

At the mention of the specie, the gun immediately was pointed at Daichi and Suga panicked, holding onto Daichi's arm.

"What do you want with Shelly?!?!" he shouted as he readied to shoot.

"S-Sir we just want to talk." Suga tried to calm down the man but he only got more riled up.

"I don't believe you!!"

Tsukishima was also getting riled up as he stormed forward and started yelling.

"How do we know that you're not keeping her just to sell, old man?"

Sell? Suga and Daichi looked questioningly at the Tsukishima, not understanding what he meant. They knew that hunters looked for non humans because one, it was a sport for them to hunt something rare. Two, they just wanted to kill the non humans. Or three, was hired to kill them by someone.

Their stomachs felt sick as they realized, if the hunters caught the non humans alive, nothing stopped them from simply selling them like slaves.

The man was shaken up by the question but he stood his ground.

"No! I love her! I don't care if we're different species!"

He still held the gun as Tsukishima slowly got closer.

"But mermaids have a low birth rate already, their goal is to reproduce and interspecies can't breed. How do we know if you aren't keeping her here against her will?"

The man didn't budge as the gun was slowly being lowered.

"I know we can't have children... I know she had always wanted a family... But..."

The tension was so high as no one knew what to do as the guy got progressively more upset.

Hinata couldn't bare to see a man in love cry and walked in between the two before turning to Tsukishima.

"Hey Tsukishima, can't you tell he loves her to the point he literally gave up his previous life? Surely you of all people know how that feels?"

The blonde took a step back as he didn't have a resort back and Hinata turned to the man.

"You love her right?"

The man nodded but as Hinata took a step towards him, he panicked and raised the gun again, this time aiming at Hinata.

Kageyama immediately zips forward and pulled Hinata back as claws appeared on his hands.

"Don't you dare hurt him." He hissed, malicious intent oozing from every word.

The guy shook when he realized what was happening but he grit his teeth before staying put.

"Baka! You're scaring him!" Hinata chopped Kageyama on the head and the man fell to the floor with fright as Hinata stepped forward.

"Hey look, are you okay?"

Hinata put a hand on his chest and held one hand outstretched just as the light started to peep through the clouds and shine down. Enveloped in light, he helped the man back onto his feet.

"I know we were rude sir and I sincerely apologize, you even stayed put when this idiot threatened you. A hunter would've fled so please don't worry. We trust you!"

He visibly relaxed after he came in contact with Hinata and he nodded.

"However, for club activities, could we ask for you to please let us see Shelly? We just want to talk a little and ask a few questions."

Hinata smiled so warmly that the guy looked away shyly before putting the safety back onto the gun.

"Right this way..."

Hinata lit up before following with a bounce in his step.

"Really? Thank you!"

But before he sprinted after the man, Hinata stopped as he turned to Kageyama.

"Err.... Kageyama?"


"My arm?" he pointed out that the demon was still protectively holding onto his arm and Kageyama immediately let go.

"Oh...." he nodded before slinking away.

Well that was easier than I thought. Maybe he isn't so bad?

Hinata thought as he placed his own hand where Kageyama held.

He did try and save me after all.

He watched as Kageyama walked with Daichi and Suga at front as Hinata walked with Tsukishima and Yamaguchi.

Tsukishima quickly grabbed one of the ginger's hands and patted Hinata's hair at the same time but made a displeased look.


"No, it's that when you jumped I thought you could be a really well hidden harpy but your hair doesn't feel not look like feathers. And your nails aren't sharp either."

Hinata didn't know about the sharp nail fact and Tsukishima explained that since he was in a family of hunters, he knew the ins and outs of almost every giveaway detail.

"I'll figure you out so don't tell me." he huffed as he walked off.

Yamaguchi laughed gently as he explained. "It's his pride to figure it out so amuse him by not telling okay?"

Hinata nodded ad the two boys grinned at each other before running after the others.

The reached the center of the privately owned land where a large lake sat and the man yelled the mermaid' s name.

Seconds later, a beautiful mermaid appeared from under the lake. Her tail glistening as her webbed fingers brushed wet hair aside to reveal fins in front of her ears and gills on her neck.

"Who are these people?"  Her voice was clear as she looked over everyone.

"It's okay Shelly, they're just part of a club and want to ask some questions."

The man smiled gently as her before signaling the others to come closer.

"I'm pretty sure they can be trusted so it's okay."

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