Chapter 13

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Hinata looked at the demon who was trying to wipe away the blood dripping down his face and he didn't know how to feel.

"Are... They dead?"

Hinata sighed with relief when the demon shook his head and he ran over to him.

"W-wait, don't get closer." Kageyama panicked a little as Hinata slowed down.


"B-because..." He looked at his own hands which have changed back and saw the red stain.

"because I couldn't hold back and hurt them... Even though I told myself I wouldn't make the same mistake after I scared you..."

He clenched his fists and looked down in shame. "I'm sorry..."

No one could stay mad at him when he apologized so sincerely and Hinata smiled as he walked all the way over and used his sleeve to wipe the blood.

"You did your best right? No one was killed so it's going to be okay."

He smiled gently and Kageyama looked away before nodding.

And just like that, Hinata grabbed his hand and brought him to the sink to wash his face as Daichi phoned the ambulance to pick up the injured bullies explaining they picked a figtt with a demon by injuring one of his human friends and the authorities immediately understood and sent them off.

An hour later, things settled down and it was time to go. As usual, everyone left in their pairs and Hinata happily walked with Kageyama.

"Are you still upset?"

The demon nodded and Hinata smiled. "Well that means you cared and that's what's important okay?"

He took Kageyama's hand and held it as he kept walking.

"See? It's all okay."

Kageyama looked at their hands before squeezing it back, completely enveloping Hinata's small ones.

How can such small hands make me feel so much at ease?

By the time they had to part, Kageyama felt sad when they had to separate but he still waved the ginger off with a smile.

His heart thumped as he got a smile back and he went home trying to figure out his feelings.

I don't want to eat him.
But I want to follow him...
No that's not it, I want to be by his side.
Yes, I want to be close to him.
I want to be friends?
Yes... And no?
I like him though so why not?
That's not it either...
I don't dislike him?
So what does that mean...

Flopping onto the bed, Kageyama remembered the mermaid's words.

Why did I even ask her about dating?
Do I like Hinata that wa-
I... Think I might like Hinata that way...

He recounted all their interactions from the simple filling forms together to comparing each other's drawings of non humans. Neither one were very good and they would laugh at each other's work.

Kageyama smiled as he still remembered when Daichi yelled at them both to concentrate on work or else they couldn't go out to find their next non human.

And the great times such as when they held hands like earlier.

He looked at his hand where he held the smaller one and clenched his fist.

The feeling of not wanting to let go... Was this how it felt to like someone?

It's already been a year since they met in the red light district...

That meant they had a bit less than a month until the end of the year.

The next day when Kageyama sat down, he decided to sit on the floor rather than the sofa to be closer to Hinata and to his surprise, the ginger sat directly on his lap.


He was so confused at how to react to his new found feelings that Kageyama just froze as Hinata laughed.

"I'm trying to get you to understand we're not scared of you even if you're a demon you know. Calm down okay?"

Kageyama immediately nodded with his arms still in the air not knowing where to put them.

He waved them around a bit before deciding to wrap them around the ginger's waist.

Hinata jumped from surprise but smiled. He didn't hate it and the closeness felt comfortable so he snuggled his back against the demon's chest.

He fit so perfectly that it seemed natural as the others arrived.

Daichi placed a stack of papers on the desk before beginning the meeting.

"We have our final type for the year, a will o' wisp study!"

He showed them the information he and Suga collected so far and they looked at the details.

Hinata looked at the information and frowned.

"I swear I recognize that intel..."

Daichi looked a little surprised before continuing.

"It was a sighting in the red light district, many have taken the case but there aren't any who have seen the will o' wisp's body nor face."

"Oh right! I was with my middle school research club and I think we tried our luck last year."

"More information would be helpful... Did you keep contact?"

Hinata looked away sheepishly. "No..."


Because I won't be here much longer anyway.

He suddenly realized that his banishment was coming to an end.

Right... I'm leaving in less than a month...

I should be excited to be back with my own kind but...

For now, I'll carry on with my task with the club.

"Umm, I guess I forgot? But even though we tried out luck, before we got to where we thought he would be, we... Well that was where I met Kageyama for the first time. "

Right, I won't see him anymore when I go back...

Something inside Hinata hurt when he thought this but he pushed it down.


The others all looked towards Kageyama in surprise. But then again, what stopped a demon from going where they want?

Kageyama nodded at the information seen.

" I think I know who you are looking for. It's a umm... Friend? Of mine, Tooru Oikawa is his full name.

He's a will o' wisp."

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