While I'm Still Here

Start from the beginning

All three wolves let out pained groaned at the bottom of the steps. Scott and Isaac scrambling to grab Liam. "I got him!" Isaac said as he twisted Scott's ankle. Isaac repeated the word shifting so his face was no longer on the ground.

Scott let out a few pants before rolling his eyes, " I should've just called Cait."

First Person POV~Caitlin Roads/Holmes

I sighed as I crossed off today's date on the calendar in my room. Full Moon. And we had to deal with Liam. And Malia actually, but that was on Chloe. I started to my bathroom and brushed my teeth, walking back out to see Lottie sitting on my bed. I rolled my eyes as I went to my dresser pulling out an outfit which would look nice, but I could also wear boots or sneakers with.

"Do you think Liam's actually going to turn into a werewolf?" Lottie asked, as I threw a shirt at her.

"Trust me. The bit will take." I pushed Lottie from the room as I got dressed. Putting on a natural face of makeup and my hair in a 'messy' bun. I walked down to the twins room, just to make sure Chloe was awake. "Kinky." I joke at the sight of my sister tightening cuffs onto Malia for the full moon.

"What-No- This this is not."

I laugh, "Chlo, I'm kidding. School starts in twenty."


I leaned over Lydia's computer as we sat in honors Chem, "These are your math notes?" Four more pages of code load in. "No wonder Malia's failing."

Lydia hummed, "Only some of them are my notes. The rest I think might actually be a code."

"And you have no memory of it?"

"None. But considering my drawing of a tree led us to the Nemeton, I should probably figure out what it means before it tries to kill us. I thinks it's some variation on something called the Vigenere Cipher."

"Do you know how to crack it?"

"With a key."

"Try Allison. To break the code, write in Allison."


"Just try it please?" Lydia sighed before typing in the name. I waited for the deadpool to de-code but nothing happened.

"That didn't work."

"Yeah." What else changed?


I waited on the other side of the buses for Scott and Stiles. They were talking to Liam. Well trying. I knew it wouldn't work, Liam thought they were crazy. For good reason. Stiles and Scott came running up to me. "You-You little bitch. You knew that wouldn't work." Stiles said, waving his finger at me.


"What am I supposed to do? He won't listen to me." Scott sighed.

"Scott, he will when you use your own words. What Derek told you, that was coming from another Beta. You're not a beta, you Liam's alpha. But that's not what I need to talk to you about."

Stiles and Scott looked at eachother, "What?" They asked at the same time.

"Okay, so you know who Allison was supposed to die?"

"Yeah." "I do now."

"The code Lydia wrote, her name was meant to be the first cipher key. It broke one third. But when told Lydia to write in her name. Nothing happened. At all."

"Okay, so-so what?" Stiles asked, squinting at me.

"So what else did we change?"

Evlynn came around the side of the bus, "You three done?"

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