The Old Man

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This is a story that me and Emily_Danielle made over the phone. We were both extremely bored, so, we made a hobo story!! Woop woop! READ ON! (btw, the first sentence was done by me, then her, then me, then her, then me , then her, get the point?)

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One day, an old man sat outside an old barbers shop. Many people walked by but few dared to make eye contact with the homeless man. All he wanted was a little bit of money. His family was in need of food desperately.He begged and begged but he never earned enough to take care of him and his family.

He walked home to his wife, head hanging low in shame of not earning even a penny. The woman said nothing, only holding the two childrens head closer to her. The children shivered due to the lack of heat outside.

"Daddy," the hungry little girl asked, "do you have a blanket for me?"

He shook his head and tried to hold back the tears for his freezing cold daughter. His wife stands up and hugs him solemnly.

Just then, a man dressed in a suit came around the corner and glanced at the starving family. The little girl huddled closer to her mother as the unfamiliar man came closer. He reached out and offered a hand wave. "Are-- are you guys okay?" The man asked.

The old man was about to say 'yes', but took one glance at his wife, cradling his children, and shook his head. The man in the suit glanced around the cottage they called home, and a little tear crept down his cheek. He was heartbroken, "Do you need a job? A place to stay? I may be able to help."

The children looked at their mother with huge sorrowful eyes, and she gave her husband a glance. The old man started to do hand gestures that the man in the suit did not understand. The wife had to speak for him.

"Yes," she said stroking her sons hair, "Yes, please!"

The man in the suit nodded and pulled out his phone, "Yes, this is Jim. I have a person interested in your job."

Jim turns to the man, "What are your qualifications?"

"His what?" The wife asked, confused.

"Qualifications-- why you're suitable for the job."

"Well, what is the job?" She asked.

"Banking-- keeping track of the money," he said.

Will they allow a mute person to do it?" the wife asked, hoping they'd finally have a house again.

Jim held up one finger and repeated the question to the man on the phone, "What is your husbands's name?" he asked.

"Christopher Matthews," she responded.

Jim nodded and told the man on the other end of the phone his name. He turned to face Chris and his wife, "Congratulations-- you have a job! I know a nearby shelter you can go to until you get enough money to rent a house."

The woman's mouth opened and her eyes grew wide, "R-really? He has a job? We'll have a home?"

Jim smiled and nodded his head. The two kids behind the mother stood up on shaky legs, revealing big smiles across their face.

Chris grabs his children's hands and smiles.

"Come with me," Jim said, "I'll show you where the shelter is,"

Chris' daughter stepped towards Jim hesitantly, "Its okay," Jim said, "I won't hurt you."

The little girl grabbed his hand and said, "Thank you, J-Jim."

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