Blown Away

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I got up from the table, closing my book and slamming the door after I got to my room. My father screamed at me and pounded on my door. I tried my best to ignore him and got into warmer clothes, listening to the radio.

"There seems to be a tornado warning for the small town of Darkenses, Oklahoma. Get shelter fast, its already pretty chilly outside."

I looked out the window and watched the trees sawying in the wind, little rain drops splattered on my window and smeared to the bottom. I got up from my warm spot in the bed and grabbed my boots and a long sweater.

I opened my bedroom door and my dad had disappeared into the kitchen grabbing a bottle of whiskey, pouring it into a glass and drinking away. I left without him seeing slamming the door.

I ran from my driveway into the foggy woods, I neared the semitary and walked around, looking at all of the grave stones. A very loving family had lost this is person, and that person, to the ground. I walked over to my moms grave. Under a willow. I kneeled down and traced my fingers down the engravings of my mothers name.

If she were here right now, dad wouldnt be so mean. He wouldnt hurt me. He would still love me. But, she cheated. He was angry and killed her. He lets his anger out on me. Like I'm the victom.

My eyes burned as the memories flooded my head. I felt a tear trickle down my face and I sniffed in the cool, brisk air.

"I miss you. I love you." I whispered.

I got up and felt the wind almost knock me down. I ran, passing tree by tree, getting away from the woods. I could see my house lights and see my door. The wind picked up and almost knocked me over, but I kept running. As fast as I could until I reached the door.

I opened it with so much force I heard it creak. The house was silent. There was no yelling. I walked into the family room and my dad lay passed out on the couch. The windows were open and a strong breese blew my hair into my face. I shook his arm and squeezed with all my force.

"Wake up! Dad! Wake up!" I yelled. He moved as I jostled him around, but made no attempt to awaken from his drunken dreams.

I got up, wiping the tears from my eyes and left him on the couch. I struggled to not get blown away as I went outside into the basement cellar.

I threw open the door and ran down the steps into the cold dark room. I flipped on the switch and it suddenly brightened. I lie down on the matress and stare at the white ceiling. The light bulb that hung above me swayed back and forth.

'This isnt even very safe. I should have stayed up there with dad' I thought. But I shook it out of my head fast. I didnt need to think like that. He deserves whatever he gets. He doesnt deserve me. I'm his daughter, sure, but that doesnt give him the right to hurt me. This is my revenge.

I felt the ground beneath me shake violently and I sat up. The lighr bulb swayed back and forth so hard, it swung of the ceiling, shattering into little sharp pieces.

I gasped at the sudden darkness but shaking finally stopped. I got up from the bed and walked up the steps. My hand hovered over the handle to open the door. I pushed it open and the house that I used to call home was now torn into pieces. The wind shook me and it was hard to stand.

The house still stood. But, the windows, doors, and everything in the house was gone. Little pieces of the outside bricks were gone as well. Leaving big or little holes and tears in the walls that used to keep us safe.

I ran inside to find my dad laying under a shattered window. It looks like he had gotten thrown against the window and it shatted. But Im not sure.

Blood smeared his arms and face. I layed a finger on his jaw-line.

"Dad? Dad, wake up." I yelled. Shaking his arm. I heard the sirens of something. An ambulance? Cop car? But, I couldnt tell. My ears blocked all other sounds out.

I got up. Only hearing my quick breaths and my steady heart beat. I walked out of the house. The wind had finally came to a slow but still strong breeze and I walked away from it all. I dont know where I would be going. But, I had to leave.

And never come back.

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