My Dreams

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This is what I dreamt about.


The little girl, Ella, held my hand. Her short curly blonde hair hung from her head as she looked at her mom.

The graduating students stood on the stage before us and we were supposed to be up there. But, the little girl never moved.

"Mommy, are we supposed to be up there?" Ella asked, pointing to the stage.

Her mother nodded and she sprinted to the stage.

I followed behind her, never letting go of her hand. She went to stand by her friends and when she let go of my hand, my vision went black, she started screaming. I could hear it. But, quickly a blury image appeared and turned into a lush forest. I tried to move but I couldnt. I was stuck.

I looked around, everyone I knew was standing still. Like yard gnomes. They stood life-less.

I heard footsteps behind me and steadied my breathing. I felt a hard surface cover my face and I could hardly breathe.

I sharp pain stabbed my lungs as I tried to breath and I could tell this person was making me breathe something poisonous.

I felt the surface ripped off of my face and I was free. I ran around in the forest not knowing where I was going but I felt someone grab my shirt and pull me to a stop.

My dad stood behind me with a lady beside him. She held a pink box and inside were three needles.

He grabbed my shoulders, "Your going to die if you keep running. Stop and let me give you this."

I toppled over as he gave me three shots in my both of my feet. The nurse lady knelt down and wrapped my foot in a cloth wrap. And as if she had cured my illness I stood up.

I stood on my tip toes since the middle of my foot was sore. I felt a little hand reach mine and I embraced it.

My vision went back to me standing on the stage. Only me and Ella were there and she was singing.

I started singing as well and knelt down to see the shot wounds. Three holes in each foot were still there and I rubbed them lightly.

Ella stopped singing and looked at me, "Are you alright?"

I nodded and when she took her hand away to touch the wounds, my vision went black.

I woke up.

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