Chapter 19

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   When Donghae oppa told me that he and the little teacher were together, I was very happy, it was less of a burden, but the truth was that I was going to breathe easy when she was away from SM, I have to think of the way to get her out of SM, a little bit just so that she doesn't teach EXO and especially so that she is away from Chanyeol oppa, the idea is that she doesn't end up with Donghae oppa, she has to be as far away as possible and out of my oppa's reach.

   I re-entered the EXO forum with my fake account and wrote that the English teacher was seducing the EXO boys, that she was a bitch and they should fire her, again the answers were not long in appearing, I asked that we don't attack her personally since we would be the bad guys, the idea is that SM realizes on her own that she is a bitch, and I had to respect the deal I made with Donghae oppa but if it were up to me, I would throw her to the lions without any mercy. Some girls came up with the idea of ​​making anonymous calls to SM, others said that we could leave notes in English for EXO members making believe that she sent them, we opted for that one, I offered to correct the English since it should be good because she is a teacher, we decided to start the next day with the famous notes, I gave the idea that I would correct them and then I would send them myself since I invented that I knew how to enter without being seen, and that in the same way I knew about Chanyeol oppa's supposed girlfriend, everyone started to suppose that this same teacher was his girlfriend and that we better give her what she deserved but I tried to reassure them until we clarified that, I promised oppa not to approach her, in part I was breaking the deal but indirectly since I will not be touching her, I just want her to be fired.

    The next day without anyone noticing I left a white paper on the floor, the idea was that they think she had dropped it, the first chosen one for this was Baekhyun oppa since oppa sometimes is usually very silly he was perfect for this, the alleged note said:

"Baekhyun-ssi, go to my apartment tonight, I will reward you there for your good performance in class ;)"

   I went to rehearsal and I didn't know more about that, I waited two days and very late at night I left another paper near the door of her classroom, this time the chosen one was another, I wrote outside "Sehunnie" and left a kiss marked with red lipstick, inside said: "Sehunnie, every day you surprise me more, last night was great, come to my apartment tonight and we will repeat it, kisses", I left quickly and didn't know what happened. I was thinking of leaving another note the next day but I decided to wait to see what happened since I saw that she was walking worried behind a high-ranking person in the company, I followed them carefully and they entered the boss's office, unfortunately I couldn't hear anymore that there were a lot of people going in and out of the offices next door.

   They were only there fifteen minutes, when the door opened I hid but I saw that she came out crying from there, I assumed that they had found out and they had fired her, I smiled victoriously since only two notes were enough to dismiss her, but I wanted to make sure that they had actually fired her so I went to rehearsal and then I would ask friends who had classes with her afterwards.

-What are you doing here? don't you have english classes? - I asked my friend.

-Didn't you find out?!

-Of what?

-She was fired, rumor has it that she sexually harassed EXO's oppas!

-Really?! - I put on my best horror face.

-Yes! and she looked so moral, she's a bitch! she was harassing my Baek oppa! my puppy! - my friend was furious and that was good, at least we were two who wanted her out.

-How awful! I hope she haven't dared to touch my Chanyeol oppa! - I said sinically.

-I don't know, but I think she not only harassed my little oppa, she also harassed Sehun oppa! oh she's a real bitch!

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