Chapter 39

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   Sm had called me and I had to go to drop off the material so that my students could work with worksheets only for the week that I would be working as an interpreter with Benedict. I thought that would be it but the boss called me at his office.

-Tell me, is there a problem? I already left the worksheets and exercises for all my students...

-Don't worry, we already know about that. I made you come for another matter, one that has been pending for a long time - when I heard that I knew that he was referring to my relationship with Chanyeol - don't panic, it's just that I need to hear it from your lips. mean...about Chanyeol?

-About Chanyeol and you, when I mentioned it to the two of you here you told me that there was nothing between Chanyeol-ssi and you, what's more, you assured that you were still with Donghae-ssi.

-I... -I was scared, my mouth was dry and I was sure that they would fire me there.

-Don't panic, we won't fire you, I understand that that time you lied for the same reason, and Chanyeol-ssi came a few minutes later to confess everything.

-Sir, I would never dishonor Chanyeol or hurt him, I have never tried to seduce him, not even to force him to do things that he does not want.

-I know that, Chanyeol-ssi himself confirmed it, even Donghae-ssi said it too.

-Donghae? - I was surprised to hear it.

-Yes, we also called him to confirm it and he said the same thing, that you two had broken up due to a misunderstanding, besides that Chanyeol has been the one who has insisted a lot to you.

-Yes, that's true.

-Then it is true, you do have a relationship.

-Yes - I finished saying in a low voice.

-You don't have to be scared, we just ask the two of you to be more discreet, maybe you had an oversight and that's why a fan found out and happened the accident.

-I'll be more careful - I said sure.

-Not only you, Chanyeol must also have it, we will continue to deny that but please be more careful in every way - he looked at me seriously, did he think I'm so irresponsible and could I get pregnant?

-Yes sir - I stood up and left there.


   We had to record a presentation on a television program and I was furious because (y/n) didn't answer my messages in Kakao, I had also heard that that cheap actor had already arrived, I just prayed that she wasn't near him even though that it was going to be difficult since she would be his interpreter, damn it! they couldn't find someone else?!

We were already in there when I saw a lot of people arrive behind a tall, thin western guy with dark hair, what surprised me the most was to see that among them came (y/n), god, she looked beautiful, well she always looked beautiful but I was even more infuriated by the fact that it was noticed that she groomed herself more than usual...and for him!

-Are you ok? - asked me Eunhyuk

-No, I am not ok! just look at (y/n)! she's very happy with that idiot - I said while I didn't take my eyes off them.

-I mean yes, she looks happy but it must be because she has another job too...

-No! look at her! she groomed herself more than usual and that was only done with me! - Eunhyuk silenced me since I was so furious that I spoke too loud, in fact the idiot and she looked at me strangely, only there she realized that I was also there.

Age matters? - EXO CHANYEOLWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt