Chapter 5

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P.O.V (Y/N)

   I gave all my students my email to send me their work, not all of them had to write letters, some exercises, other songs, etc. As I had two emails, one personal and one as a teacher, I checked the personal one first, nothing interesting, so I checked my other email in case any responsible student had already sent their work, well they are all very applied and responsible but there are very few who immediately would send it, I checked the email and had only one, when I opened it I was surprised of who it was, Chanyeol was the first and only one who had sent his letter or so I thought, since searching he had only sent the email and he didn't attach the letter. I laughed since I thought that was something worthy of Lay but apparently Chanyeol was copying his friend, and since the evaluation would have to be ready next class I thought of writing to tell him to send it back to me but then I gave account that he had put his phone number in the mail with the legend "(y/n) if there is a problem with the mail just call me on my phone =)"

   For a moment I thought about doing it but then I remembered all the faces and smiles that Chanyeol gave me, at times I think that Chanyeol has feelings for me but I try not to believe it since it is impossible for me to conceive such a crazy idea, I am his English teacher and much older than him, perhaps he only has affection for me as an older sister, if so, I would feel happy and praised since I also consider him as a younger brother. I decided to send him a text:

   Chanyeol-ssi your letter is not attached to the email, can you send it again please? so you can know your evaluation next class, Thanks. Miss (y/n) "was all I wrote to him.

   I went to the kitchen to get something to drink and when I got to my room and looked at the time on the phone I realized I had a text, I was excited to think that it could be from Donghae but when I opened it it was an unknown number, I I was a little disappointed but I still opened it to read it, when I read it I knew it was from Chanyeol since he replied: "seriously? How stupid am I :P ok I will send it again and thanks for warning ;) "

   I did not know why I was nervous to see the wink icon, there was the doubt again if he felt something for me, I didn't answer him and tried to forget about it while waiting for the letter to evaluate it.


   I decided to do something to also get (y/n)'s phone number without her being uncomfortable, as soon as we got to the bedroom I sent her an email but I didn't intentionally attach the letter, and therefore I put my phone there so she could call me if there was a problem, obviously she would since evaluation was the next class. Well that was the idea that she would call me so her number would be registered, I hope she will see it soon.

   An hour had passed since I sent her the email and she still didn't call me, I wanted her to do it soon since I also wanted to send her the letter to read, there I told her everything I felt for her, obviously I omitted to write her name and speak about age, since that is something that she doesn't like, I don't care but apparently she does, but when we get closer I will take out that stupid idea of her head. I was going to stand up to go to the kitchen when a text came to me, I checked it immediately since I thought that maybe it could be her although I expected her to call me since I wanted to hear her voice, I read the text and it was indeed hers since she said I hadn't attached the letter and if I could send it again, I was a bit disappointed by the text since I found it very short and cold, then I thought it was obvious if she didn't know about my feelings and also just sent it as a teacher, I saved the number immediately under the name of "my pretty (y/n)" and I sent her an answer saying that thanks for warning and that I would send it to her again, in less than five minutes I had sent her another email with the attached letter.

P.O.V (Y/N)

   Not even five minutes had passed since I sent the text to Chanyeol when he sent me another email and this time it had the letter attached. I read it and it seemed to me that more than just any letter it was a love declaration. I laughed innocently as it was noted that he really liked the girl in question, he didnt say her name since at first he only put "DEAR __________________" I sighed with relief since apparently he liked a girl, one of his age and if he likes a girl a little younger even better, I was just curious to know who she was, maybe a trainee or a normal girl, for some strange reason I wanted to know who was the lucky girl to help him talk to her since according to his letter he didn't dare since he was afraid that she would reject him, how could a girl reject him? He is funny, outgoing, talented, handsome, he has a very sexy voice, I can't deny that but I am sure that if he decided to tell that girl what he feels she would accept it.


   Being a trainee in SM was always my dream, I came here 3 years ago when I had just arrived from the United States, I was born here in Korea but my parents took me when I was just a baby, I came back here at the age of 13 and immediately entered SM for a casting. Everyone tells me that my future as an idol looks promising and I must admit that being an ulzzang helped me get here, being an extrovert, having a cute face, copper hair and measuring 1.78 has helped me a lot. I'm still too young to debut since I'm only 16 years old but every day I give my best, especially so that Chanyeol oppa takes notice of me, when I met him he was also a trainee but he was soon to debut, I felt sorry since I thought I would never see him again, but luckily EXO is still rehearsing here in SM so I can see him very often. SM also hired an English teacher to teach the trainees, I am exempt from classes since I speak English for having lived almost all my life in the United States but the teacher is very nice and sometimes she lets me participate in classes only as a listener or to help my friends, I have always wanted to ask her to take me to classes with EXO so I could see oppa and help him, maybe the next time I see her I will ask her.

P.O.V (Y/N)

   In classes I individually called each EXO boy to let them know his evaluation, when I called Chanyeol he approached shyly but always with his big smile.

-Your letter was very good Chanyeol-ssi - I said smiling.

-Really? - I could see that not only his face also his ears turned red, I wanted to laugh but I contained myself, it isn't that it was funny just that it seemed very cute.

-Yes, you only made some grammar mistakes but with time and practice it gets fixed, do you see it here? - I handed him his sheet so he could see the mistakes he had made.

-Ah, but what I say is understandable? - I noticed that he was nervous, so I didn't want to bother him with questions about who the lucky girl was.

-Yes, it was a very nice letter and it shows that you like that girl - I said quietly so as not to bother him.

-I do like her a lot - he said with all the confidence in the world, it was strange since a few seconds ago he was nervous and now very confident.

-And why don't you tell her?

-What? Why are you telling me that (y/n)? - And so I saw how his confidence evaporated.

-Because you say it yourself in the letter, you fear that she knows, why? I know it is none of my business but I am sure that if you tell her she will accept you.

-Do you think she will accept me one day? - Chanyeol spoke very quietly and it is obvious, apparently he didn't want the rest to know since they could make fun of him.

-Of course! First of all does she know you?

-Yes - he said without erasing his big smile from his face.

-So? I don't think she rejects you, obviously go slow and then you tell her, not immediately and less if you are not sure what she feels towards you - from one moment to the next I felt like an older sister giving advice to my little brother, I must confess that I I felt good since he only listened carefully to what I was saying and with that I relaxed since it showed that he liked another girl, I don't know how I could think that he felt something for me, I laughed internally and then I gave him his evaluation which was very good and call Suho to finish the evaluations.


   I was very happy, not because of the evaluation but because (y/n) understood that my letter was a love declaration! The only bad thing is that she still doesn't know that I like her, but I will do what she told me, I will go slow and find out what she feels for me, God! I can't believe I talk to her too much! Well actually it was a few minutes but for me it was like hours, I would love to tell her that it is with her that I dream at night, that she is the one I want to hug, kiss and sing to her all my life * sigh * at least we are already approaching and also I have her email and her phone, I have to think of something to be alone with her and talk more, so that I can know what she thinks of me.

**Enjoy!! bear with me if there is grammar mistakes.**

Age matters? - EXO CHANYEOLWhere stories live. Discover now