Chapter 11

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   After seeing that Donghae hyung and (y/n) had disappeared from my sight I felt like the air was missing, it was strange to feel that in addition to that strange images of the two of them together passed through my mind, for the same reason I began quickly to look for them by the whole house but I couldn't find them, then I thought they could be outside and that's why I went out and luckily I saw them sitting on a bench. Finally I could breathe but I wasn't calm since they were very attached, I would say enough, I approached them trying to fake a smile but I really couldn't, I really hated that they were that close together.

-Hyung! (y/n)! here you are - I said trying to sound normal but apparently it didn't work as (y/n) asked me:

- Chanyeol-ssi is something wrong?

- No, why should something happen?! - I said in an angry tone, what an idiot! I should never have answered her like that since she looked at me doubtfully and then looked at Donghae hyung.

-Chanyeol-ssi you shouldn't answer like that! - scolded me hyung - (y/n) asked kindly.

-Oh Donghae don't scold him, maybe Chanyeol wants to be alone and we are interrupting...

- No! - I said - I mean, I'm sorry (y/n) if I just spoke to you in a bad way, it's just that I needed some air - I didn't know what excuse to say, I couldn't tell her that I was furious because hyung was too close to her.

- Channie don't worry, I understand - she said with a beautiful smile * sigh * god, she is so cute! and she called me Channie! I only allow the boys to call me that, but her... * sigh * she would be the only noona who I would allow to say it, she also says it so cute.

- (y/n) I think we better go back inside - Donghae hyung said looking at her with that adorable face he always puts on.

- Okay - she replied, worst of all was that she also look at him the same way, argh! what a rage! why doesn't she look at me like that?! for the same reason I thought quickly and sat between the two.

- But it's not necessary for you two to go away, we can all three sit here and talk, see? - I said quickly, for a moment I was scared since they both looked at me confused, but then (y/n) started talking about I don't know what, the truth is that I didn't even pay attention since I only looked at her, through my mind an image passed where I took her face and kissed her softly, I was dying to try her lips but I quickly came out of my reverie since Valery appeared screaming.

-Oppa! Why did you leave me dancing by myself?!

- What?! Chanyeol-ssi did you leave Valery-ssi alone? that is not right! - scolded me hyung again.

- Donghae don't scold him... - said (y/n) softly, to tell the truth I felt happy since she was defending me, she was defending me! yes! take that hyung!

- (y/n) It's not right that you leave your partner alone...

- Wow! stop hyung! she is not my partner! she and I only danced, moreover she was the one that... - I was quick to clarify, I didn't want (y/n) to think that I had a girlfriend, the only one I wanted as a girlfriend was her.

- But she likes you - she said smiling, it was as if a jug of cold water had been spilled on me, I am not interested in Valery liking me, I am interested in her liking me!

- What are the three doing here? - Valery asked a little unsure, especially when she saw me sitting next to my pretty (y/n).

- Just talking, do you want to sit down? - Hyung said to then stand up and before I knew it Valery was by my side, this couldn't be happening to me, besides hyung went to (y/n), I didn't know what excuse to say so that hyung and Valery left and left me alone with her.

Age matters? - EXO CHANYEOLWhere stories live. Discover now