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Song: Moral of the Story By Ashe


A new group had emerged after the last one disbanded and disappeared. Everyone was in for a big surprise when the new group would perform. Backstage Yugi, Ryou, Marik, Joey and Ishizu stood around talking about the upcoming performance. Once they had decided to open with Ryou and Yugi, they all went to their own rooms to change.

Yugi wore different shades of purple and red; a dark purple tank top, a red short sleeved unzipped jacket that had chains on it and a neck belt open on the collar, dark purple leather pants that had red glitter on them, crimson studded belts with an attached chain at his hip, his regular dark boots, studded leather wristbands, and a custom made crimson choker that was amethyst on the other side if you turned it inside-out. To top off his look, he wore earrings that were upside down pyramids with the eye of Horus on them. He had on light makeup that accented his more mature features, his eyes weren't as big anymore instead they had sharpened and had more of a square shape than oval, this cheeks were chubby anymore and he looked more like Atem everyday in his eyes. The only thing that made Yugi, Yugi was the blonde bangs around his face and his now deep purple eyes.

Ryou wore a dark blue long sleeved shirt, a white jacket that was open with black lining, black ripped/skintight jeans, and black shiny boots similar to Yugi's but not studded. He also wore some light makeup to accent his dark green eyes and his pale skin. His hair was pulled into a slightly messy ponytail while his natural bangs still framed his face.

Ryou left his room first and waited for Yugi, he knew that Yugi had more accessories than anyone so it was normal. After about 5 minutes of waiting Ryou heard the door open and saw Yugi walk out, his gaze on the floor. Ryou looked down for a second too before giving him a pat on the shoulders and a smile when he looked up. Yugi gave a small smile back and straightened his posture.

"We have some time before they announce us, why don't we get a drink", Ryou said and they started to walk towards the refreshments.


'*Mò hitori no boku, i really miss you still. What happened to you, where are you?? Why...why did you abandon me...', Yugi thought as he sat in a chair drinking some water. Yugi sighed before standing up and heading over to Ryou. "Oh hey Yugi I was just about to get you, we're about to go on. You ready?", Ryou asked as he stood from his seat".

"As ready as I'll ever be", Yugi said as he set down his water on the refreshment table. They went to the backstage lifts that led to the stage for their grand entrance and put on their headsets that had their mics attached.

"Everyone please give a warm welcome to our new idols, *Hikari no mittsu no kage!!!", the announcer said and quickly fled behind the curtain as fog filled the stage area. A figure in the crowd raised an eyebrow and crossed their arms.

As the fog got thick, two figures emerged and music started in the background. Once the fog cleared a bit, Yugi and Ryou stepped forward with smiles on their faces. Everyone was shocked and thought that looked way to much like the previous group before them. "Hello everyone!!", Yugi said and waved at them. "Now, I know that you're all probably confused and shocked. So, one- we do have a third member but us two are opening for him, two- he's doing a solo next, and finally three- please enjoy!!!", Ryou said and they both took a step back as the song increased in volume.

They raised their arms slowly above their heads, then each put an arm out opposite to each other as the beat dropped. Their opposite arms came in to their chest at the elbows as their inner arms and hands went slowly in front of their faces as they dropped their smiles. Both of their hands laid against their chests. Yugi was on the right of Ryou as Ryou was to his left. Yugi's right leg went slightly to the side as Ryou's left leg went to slightly to the left and they each put out in arm to their respective sides in a diagonal angle. Yugi brought his limbs back and Ryou turned around right behind him as Yugi started to sing.

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