Special #2

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I'm currently writing a request but I keep getting stuck so I thought I'd post this instead of holding off till I'm done with the request. Been loosing inspiration lately, hope you like this though!!!

Sometimes I come up here when I'm reminded just how lonely I am without you.

When you left, you left a hole...

A hole in my heart

I miss you every day and still can't forget how you smiled at me before you said goodbye...


After all these years, I still cling to the hope that you'll return one day...but it's just a childish dream.

But that's what I am right? Childish

Everyone started treating me like a kid again once you were gone. They've asked about you and even tried to see if we we're actually the same person.

Everyone seems to have forgotten who you really we're...and hopefully still are.

It's nighttime right now and I'm sitting up on this old abandoned bridge. The breeze is nice, it reminds me of you.

How we used to just sit in comfort together sometimes, how we could talk for hours about any topic and most of all. It reminds me that I'm still alive when...

You aren't

I wish you were alive, I wish you were sitting here with me looking at the beautiful night sky filled with stars.

Sadly, that can't happen and deep down I know it but it's hard to let go.

It's hard to be without you and no matter what I do, I can't love anyone else but you.

My Pharaoh, Mou hitori no boku...

"Atem" I feel my cheeks getting wet but I don't care.

'You're happy right? Did you see your family again?'

Smiling up at the sky as I silently cry, I wish.

'Just tell me your happy Atem, that's all I want'

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