Yugi x Male Reader

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             **Trigger Warning:  Reader has a panic attack, Read with caution!!**


You start to wake from your comatose state as you hear high pitched beeping sounds all around you. After adjusting to the loud sounds, your eyes flutter open and you're meet with bright lights blinding you briefly. You shut your eyes quickly again as they throb in slight pain. Deciding to try again after a few seconds, you open your eyes again. The light wasn't as bad this time but your vision blurred for a bit. After looking around and squinting, your eyes finally adjusted to the brightly lite room. The first thing you notice is all the white surrounding you then you start to feel heavy. You try to move your head to the side, you succeeded in moving a bit to then see the monitors and a few different machines. Your brain realized it was a hospital room but you couldn't remember why you were in one to begin with.

"(Y/n) how are you feeling right now?" A voice says on the other side of where you faced and you had a mini heart attack, having not realized someone entered. You turn your head, with a bit of pain, to face the person who entered. It was a female nurse who had entered the room with a clipboard and pen to check on you. "Sir?" 

"Y-yes?" You answer with a sore throat, making your voice deeper. You cringe mentally at how you sound.

"How are you feeling right now? Is there any pain?" She asks calmly. 

"A bi-it" You respond simply and she quickly writes something down on the paper on the clipboard. 

"If it becomes too much, then you can just tap this, ok?" She said as she picked up a little device that was connected to the bed and placed it right next to your hand for easy access. You smile at her and she turns to leave the room again.

"Oh right. I'll tell your boyfriend that your awake now, he hasn't left the hospital since you've been in here" She says as she opens the door to leave. As she left, you sat there wondering what she was talking about. 'boyfriend? who?'

Before you could question it further the door basically flew open in the panic of someone entering. You blink in surprise as the person frantically rushes in to the room. The first thing you notice is the spiky multicolored hair that was blonde in the front, black in the back with purple tips and seemed to defy gravity. Then you notice the shining amethyst eyes that were surrounded with dark circles from lack of sleep and were brimming with unshed tears. The face that held those enchanting, yet tired, eyes was cute and slightly chubby making him look younger than he probably was. Though he was short in nature, he's hair and clothes made up for it as he wore a sky blue hoodie, denim blur jeans, and white sneakers. As the boy rushed in, his tears started to fall down his face and he rushed over to your side.

"(Y/n)" He choked out as he started to sob and clutched onto your hand. You smiled and quirked a brow at the boy who looked familiar to you. Though you try to remember who he was, nothing came to mind, not even a name. You both stayed like that for awhile, with the boy softly crying and clutching your hand tightly while you tried not to move in fear of pain from your unexplained wounds.

"(Y/n)...I-I thought that...that you.." He choked out as he slowly stopped crying. He looked at you, unable to finish his sentence and smiled at you. He looked sad but relieved as he squeezed your hand gently. Although you didn't want to see him sad or hurt, you couldn't just continue like nothing was wrong when in fact, everything was wrong. You didn't know him but he was familiar, you couldn't recall your day or the several days before. The last thing you remember is moving to a new city for college and getting your own apartment.

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