Yami x Chubby Reader Part 1

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Trigger warning-- Death, self hate, self loathing, suicide attempts??, lose of loved ones...


The loud ringing, the smoke filled air, the headache, the blurry surroundings, it all seemed unreal. It was like barely getting any sleep ×10 and you would get up feeling weird. This is how I feel right now, there was what I believe to be smoke filling my lungs and making me cough. When I cough it hurts my whole being from the sudden movement. I see feet...concrete, I think and some other blurry images. I can't move, I feel almost numb from my waist down and blood seems to be rushing to my head making me unable to take in everything around me. It's so hard to breathe.

"help..." I say, though I don't know if anyone heard me, "...help...P-please". I start to hyperventilate and try to move my arms around for...something. I feel my hand collide with something sharp but ignore the pain as I grab it. I hold the seatbelt with my other hand and try to cut it off with the sharp object...with a lot of difficulty considering I can't see well. I gave up at some point because I kept cutting myself with it and just tossed it back down. After a minute I heard more sounds, like people talking and I think sirens I'm not to sure. 'How did this happen?', I question silently as I stared at my feet in a daze. I close my eyes feeling dizzier than before and soon the noises fade away.











Beep, Beep

I groan at the loud, annoying noise and turn my head. The noise continues and so I open my eyes, only to be meet with the brightest lights I've ever seen and that's compared to staring at the sun. I close my eyes and put a hand over them as they start throbbing. 'Bright mothe-' My thoughts stop as I hear a door open and close as someone walks in. 'Rude!'

"Miss (L/n), you're awake! How are you feeling right now? Any pain?" A man asks as I open my eyes again, this time I'm prepared for the light. 'Of course I'm in pain idiot' I think to myself. I try to nod my head but only feel pain and let out a groan at the feeling. "Ah, right, you might not want to move much for the next few days while your body heals" 'Should've said so sooner jerk!'

"O-ok...well, I'm in pain", I say out loud and think, 'if that wasn't obvious enough!' He just nods his head and writes something down onto the paper on the clipboard that's in his hand. "I'll be right back with some pain medicine then" he says and exits the room once again.

I stare up at the ceiling, lost in my thoughts. 'what happened...?' The man walks back in and hands me some pain pills with a water bottle. I stay silent as I take the medication and hand the bottle back to him slowly. He writes a few more things down and exits the room again. All I can do is lay and wait...

Yugi's POV

"Finally" I say as I set down the last box of the new shipment of cards in the back of the store. I look down at my puzzle and smile before making my way back inside. //Aibou...I have a bad feeling// Yami says through the link. I furrow my brows in slight confusion as I make my way to the living room. \Me too...\


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