04. The Revelation

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Slamming my palm down on the table in front of Nathan, I spoke, "Just so you know, I don't need your rescuing."

Nathan didn't even bother lifting his gaze up from the laptop in front of him as he muttered, "Never said you did."

"Ahan?" I challenged. "Then why are you acting nice to me?"

"Define nice."

"Calming me down last night, making me the breakfast of my choice today, not reminding me how much of a burden I am, not tying me up again!"

He looked up finally, raising a lone eyebrow, "You want to be the big bad kidnapper again?"

I stared at him, my eyes wide. "OF COURSE!"

Nathan, the epitome of a poker face, finally took a double-take at my words, "H-Huh?"

"Nathan, as much as I appreciate your efforts, I don't like being treated like a fragile little doll."

Scanning my body with his eyes, he spoke, a sly smile tugging on his lips, "Fragile little doll is the last thing that I would call you."

Weirdly enough, his words calmed me down, making my face heat up. I gaped at him, surprised to find him admitting my fierceness. "Really? Awe, thank y-"

"I'd use something along the lines of psychotic, nut-job, bipolar and straight-up crazy to describe you instead, sweetheart." He gave me a subtle wink before going back to his laptop. "As pretty as your name may be, you're anything but an angel."

I crossed my arms across my chest as I huffed out in annoyance, glaring daggers at Nathan's head, trying to get his attention again. When I realized that my staring wasn't wavering him the slightest, I turned on my heels.

I didn't know where to go after Nathan blatantly refused to talk to me properly. My room was useless, considering the only form of entertainment in my room was staring mindlessly at the elegant walls. That's right, I didn't have access to either one of Nathan's prized electronic devices. I understand that I have been kidnapped, but this crosses the line.

Earlier this morning, Nathan order Theo to start working on some kind of a project, and just as Theo swallowed his last bite, he lazily climbed up to his room while Nathan plopped down on the dining table. Both of them were in their zones, working intensely on something since the past hour. Even though I couldn't see Theo, I am sure he was as focused on his "project" as Nathan was.

The TV in the living room was off limits to me, and Nathan had a bunch of puppies in his house who usually sat in the living room. Considering how I was petrified of dogs, I couldn't even lounge in the living room. That left the kitchen.

I hummed the tune of a song mindlessly as I hopped up on the counter, silently watching Nathan as he speedily typed things in his laptop, his brown eyes furrowed and his lips pursed.

I didn't plan on bothering Nathan again, I just simply wanted company. So when Nathan sucked in a sharp breath and closed his laptop to look at me, I froze.

"You're distracting me."

"I am barely doing anything."

Closing his eyes, he ran a hand down his face. "Go to your room."

The mere thought of sitting on my bed again made me cringe. "Oh come on, Nathan! I've been coped up in that damn room the whole day. Why can't I stay here?"

Nathan stared at me, his brown eyes calculating. "Fine. But get off the counter and sit on the on one of the chairs like a normal human being."

I beamed at his acceptance, and gladly hopped over to the dining table. The wooden chair scraped against the marble floor as I dragged it out before seating myself on it. My elbows rested on the table as I set my chin in the palm of my hands, eyeing Nathan.

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