12. A Deal With The Devil

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Nathan had to be one of the most difficult people I had ever met.

And as I stared at the knife that my fingers had gripped tightly, I wondered if he knew this too. I wondered if he had any idea of how his energy was so toxic and draining. Poor conversationalist, gets mad every 2 seconds, and had a terrible habit of intruding my personal bubble constanty. I wondered how Nathan's parents dealt with his snobby attitude, and if he was one of those kids who were pampered to death since birth.

"Really Angelina?" Nathan laughed, looking me dead in the eye. "Aren't you tired?"

I was, I couldn't deny that. As if being forced to endure his nauseating company wasn't tiring enough, this day had been terribly long and eventful. Whether it be how Nathan had thrown a temper tantrum first thing in the morning, or how I had multiple men trying to rip my throat out in the evening, every second of today was soul-draining.

I blinked away the sleep in my eyes, "You have no idea how serious I am."

When Theo's broken phone started ringing again, he made the elaborate gesture to cringe once he saw the number. "A call from your dearest brother," He looked at Nathan and I in warning. "Do not move."

Once Theo hurried out of the door, a phone pressed against his ear, I turned my attention back on Nathan who stood eerily calm, as if he couldn't sense the storm that was rumbling in my body.

"Give it up, princess." Nathan rolled his eyes at my weapon.

You know when you're so used to being tossed around, people don't expect you to speak up against it but then you have this one moment? That one moment when something inside of you snaps. Like an alarm going off, all of your internal fire comes roaring out of you. It's at that moment you realize how you've been subjected to someone's abuse of power. It's at that moment you realize that the person standing in front of you had no right to do what they did.

I was experiencing that moment.

My body hurt, my neck still felt sore, and every time I moved my fingers, my wounds screamed in pain. Additionally, I was starving, too. Constantly fighting for your life increases your appetite, apparently.

I tightened my grip on my knife, "Let Theo drive me home."

"And why would I d-"

"I am not asking!" I felt like screaming, and I did, having enough of his power. Who was he, anyway? A mere criminal. That's what he is, that's what he'll always be. Not a mighty King, or a leader, that I should be afraid of. The only reason he even had his pack of loyal dogs was because he kept threatening them into subjection. That's what he always does.

That's what he's been doing to me too.

Dangling my life in front of me, he expects me to jump up and chase it, regardless of where he leads me to in the process. He expects me to twist and turn myself the way he likes it, only because my life lays in his palm.

All while threatening me with death, Nathan Trevor doesn't realize that I have nothing to live for anyway.

Yelling out, I charge for him, catching him off guard. Pushing himself off the fridge, Nathan ducked and dodged my knife, making me crash with the fridge instead. I whip around, watching him get off from the floor, clearly not expecting me to actually hurt him.

Well, he's terribly mistaken.

"Woah," He rose his hands up. "Give me the knife, kid."

"Kid?" I seethed, walking towards him. He didn't step back like I had expected, but his eyes cautiously followed the dangerous tip of the blade. "I am done with you, Nathan."

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