18. Underwater

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I sighed contently, staring ahead. Rubbing my hands together, I breathed out a shudder, staring at the river in front of me, "This is nice."

Nathan's stared at the water in distaste, "It's fucking cold."

I turned my head towards him, eyes narrowed, "Can you at least be a little grateful?" I pointed at our little picnic spot. "Theo did this for you."

Staring silently at me, he mumbled, "But it's fucking cold."

"You're never satisfied, are you?"

"I just don't understand how eating sandwiches near a lake is supposed to help me," He said. "Actually, I don't understand why you two think I need help in the first place."

Theo laughed, "We're trying to get your mind off the deal's signing."

Upon the mention of the deal, Nathan turned his face away, scrunching his face up in distaste, "I don't want to talk about it."

"Here we go again."

"Shut up, Teddy." Nathan snapped, getting up from his spot and tugging his jacket closer to his body. "I am going to head back, I have this one last docume-"

Theo grabbed Nathan's leg from his spot on the floor and held onto it for dear life, "I will murder you if you leave. You need to relax and going back to to that horrendous house will do you no good."

Nathan tried shaking his leg out of Theo's grasp, "Dude, let go."

"I will kill you." Theo spoke relentlessly. Nodding towards Nathan's original spot, he continued, "We'll leave soon. Sit."

Staring at his bestfriend silently, Nathan kicked his leg away, hitting Theo in the process. Theo dramatically fell down on his back, clutching his side. "Don't speak to me like I am a dog."

"Stop acting like a bitch then." Theo bit back with a playful smile.

Huffing out his irritation, Nathan dropped down next to me on the ledge, our shoulders bumping in the process. Our feet dangled over the flowing water, the occasional splashes of the water soaking my socks. Intertwining his fingers together, I admired his side profile as he angrily stared at the water.

"You know," I started. "The water didn't do anything."

"Gotta take my anger out on something before I accidentally kill one of you." He grumbled, the setting sun casting a beautiful glow on his beautiful face.

Did I just admit he's beautiful?

"You're such a crybaby."

A loud ringing interrupted us, and the both of us turned around to watch Theo pull his phone out of his pocket. He smiled at the screen before he stood up, "It's Meg, I'll be right back." Jogging up to his jeep, he got in and placed the phone on his ear.

"Who's Meg?"

"His girlfriend."

I turned around to gape at Nathan, "Theo's taken?"

He nodded emotionlessly, "They've been together for quite some time. It's mostly long distance since Teddy is always moving around."

"Wouldn't it be hard for them to stay together, then?"

Nathan shrugged, "They make it work."

I nodded, taking it all in, "Does she know about...Strike?"

Nathan shook his head, "Mere knowledge about this world is dangerous, so we try to keep it away from our loved ones."

"You too?"

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