14. Finally On The Same Page

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"You can't run from me forever." A voice from behind me made me jump, making me almost drop my bowl of cereal. 

I groaned out, not threatening to turn around and face him. Especially after I had humiliated him in front of his brother. "Oh, but I wish I could."

"Turn around Angel."

"No, I like my view."

He grabbed my forearm and spun me around, making my bowl hit his chest. I slowly raised my eyes up to his, surprised at how calm they were. "This view's better, don't you think?"

I glazed my eyes over his scrupled face, the 24 hours that I had managed to hide away in Theo's room apparently erased my memory of how good Nathan usually looked. My eyes dropped to his full lips. "Nah, I liked the plain wall better."

Nathan breathed out a scoff of disbelief before he grabbed my bowl and put it aside. His fingers tipped my chin upwards as he murmured in a soft voice, "And why has my girlfriend been avoiding me all day?"

I pulled my face away from his grip, rolling my eyes.

"Was it because I kissed you?"

"It doesn't matter," I pushed him away, grabbing my bowl again. "Nathan, I don't think we can make this work..."

His head snapped in my direction, "Are you breaking up with me?"

"Yes," I sighed, looking him dead in the eyes. "We clearly can't look past our issues, so how are we supposed to pretend to be in love?" 

Nathan quickly looked at the kitchen door before he strode up to it. Closing the door, he turned around and pinned me with his stare. "Angel, I am paying you for this." Regardless of the bulky door absorbing our voices, he spoke in a low murmur. 

"I know but—"

"And if we're having problems, then let's solve them! What are you so mad about?!"

I drew in a sharp breath, "You wanna solve the problem? Fine. I don't like how you're drifting off from our secret relationship track."

"Ezra already knew that we were together."

"Still," I insisted. "Maybe I don't want the guy I hate to toss me around just to prove a point."

"Alright, we're nitpicking, huh?" He slowly walked up to me. "I don't like how you're ignoring the fact that you're doing a job, and everything can't go your way."

My mouth dropped, "What about how you're picking fights with Ezra for no reason?" I took a step forward too. "Why can't you bear him for a while, so that our stay here isn't as bad? Are you doing that for your fine taste of bad days?"

"Bringing Ezra in, Angel?" His next step had him standing right in front of me. "I don't like how you're getting so comfortable with Ezra."

"I don't like how you're stressing Theo out."

"I don't like how when it comes to choosing between Ezra and I, you're suddenly speechless." He's asked me that question one time, and he's already bringing it up?

"I don't like how you're being so reckless with yourself, which in turn makes Theo and I wonder if you're even going to make it long enough to fly back to America! Seriously, do you have any idea how your actions affected us back then?!"

"Us," He hummed, craning his neck downwards. Light brown eyes captured mine. "You were worried too."

"Nathan, this isn't going to wor—"

His hand grabbed mine in a stern grip, "Then fix things with me."

I tilted my face upwards, breathing out slowly as I noticed how Nathan's face was dangerously close to mine. His brown eyes darker than eyes, my tiny frame covered in his shadow. "You're..."

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