19. I Made A Friend

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I don't know what's more pathetic: Nathan's relentless phone calls or the fact that I have no idea where I am going.

When my phone started blaring the over-used ringtone of it's, I hissed in annoyance before I slammed my thumb against the decline call button. Gripping my phone, I marched away again. The dim yellow street lamps illuminating my ways, the smooth streets almost empty, I walked further away from the Trevor Mansion while the chilly December winds whoosed past me.

The small stores around me bore small groups of people, all chattering lively and excitedly, probably in the Christmas spirit. I wrapped my arms around my shivering body, wishing I had thrown on a denser sweater.

My phone blared loudly in the almost-empty street again, and I wasn't surprised to see Nathan's stupid name lighting up the screen. "God damn you." I whispered before I attended the call finally, figuring that he'll spam call me the entire night if I don't pick up.

"Where the fuck are you?"

"Why are you calling me?" I hissed back, standing in the middle of the street now.

"Are you going to tell me where you are or do I have to track your phone and personally drag you back to the house?"

"I'd like to see you try."

"Angel, where are you?!" Nathan yelled, making me flinch slightly. "How many times do I have to remind you that you can't just leave my side?!"

"And how many times do I have to beg you to respect me?!" I yelled back, completing dismissing the fact that I probably look manic to the group of teenagers that shuffled out of a café. "You want to track my phone? Go ahead, tough guy. Let's see how well you can track my phone when it's thrown off a bridge."

I heard Nathan suck in a sharp breath, "Don't you dare."

"Screw you." I spat. "I'll do whatever I want tonight." Pulling the phone away, I angrily ended the call. My hands shook as I stared at the phone in my hands, my entire body lighting up in flames just by the mere recalling of what happened today.

He put me back in Dad's grasp.

Clenching my teeth, I slung the phone forward, watching in fury as the phone shot towards the brick wall. Colliding with the wall in a loud clatter, my phone plopped down on the ground, visible cracks across it's screen.

"Screw you." I repeated, turning on my heel and walking away from my now-destroyed phone.

Who does he think he is? He thinks a simple tracking threat can waver me? He thinks it's gonna be that easy for him to track me?

I huffed, rubbing my hands in a feeble attempt of warming myself up. I don't need him.

My steps suddenly slowed down. I, however...might need the phone...

Clenching my eyes shut in anger, I slammed my palm against my forehead. Am I really that pathetic? I can't even leave my phone behind?

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