21. Safe

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For a few seconds, I had no idea where I was, or what was happening.

Drowsily looking around the room, my eyes furrowed at my sudden change of scenery. I don't remember getting back home. How did I end up in Nathan and I's room?

As if the flood gates were opened, small snippets of last night's events flooded in, making my eyes drop to my body. Yanking the sheets off my body, I hurriedly looked at my fully-clothed body. I let out a sigh of relief.

"Hey, hey,"

I raised my eyes to look at Nathan, his brown tired eyes staring at me in concern. "Are you okay?" Grabbing a water bottle from the nightstand, he uncapped the bottle and handed it to me.

I pushed the bottle away, "What happened to me? How did I get here? Why does my body feel funny? Where's Eric-" My eyes widened at his name, and I recalled foggy memories of Eric tossing me in his car.

"Nathan?" I whispered, my eyes still casted down in shock.

"Yes, darling." His soft voice spoke.

"What happened to me?" I slowly raised my eyes up to him. "What happened to me last night...?"

Regret glazed his eyes, "That guy drugged you."

My eyes furrowed in confusion before it all clicked into place, "Oh my God...the coffee."

I felt Nathan grab the side of my face, tilting my face towards him. "He planned on doing things, but he couldn't. Ezra got you just in time." His thumb caressed my face.

"Why?" I croaked out, my body not being able to process this. I sat frozen in my spot, unable to comprehend what could've happened to me.

"I'll find out," He said in a promising voice. "I'll find how why he did what he did, and I'll make he regrets every second he had with you the second I get my hands on him."

I drew my knees closer to my body, wrapping my arms around them.

"Angel," Nathan inched near me again. "You're alright. You're alright, you know that, right?"

"I don't feel alright," I mumbled quietly, my mind wondering how differently I would've been feeling if Ezra didn't come get me the right time. "I feel...I feel..."

"Yes?" His brown eyes didn't leave mine.

My eyes left his and looked at our open balcony, noticing how the sun had just started to rise. It's warm orange tint glazing the inside of our room, and the side of Nathan's face.

"I thought he was a friend." I croaked out, tears welling up. Nathan's face morphed with sympathy as he clicked his tongue, shaking his head slowly. "I feel so stupid, Nathan."

"You had a bad night," He spoke softly, his thumb caressing my cheek again. "This wasn't your fault."

"I can't trust anyone anymore," I admitted, shaking my head in disbelief. "I don't know if Ryan's lying, or if you're lying, and the one person who had no motive to lie to me, lied to me and drugged me." I grabbed my head in my hands. "What is going on?"

He removed my hands from my face, and made me look at him, "What makes you think I am lying to you?"

When I didn't reply, he spoke again, "I am not lying, Angel. I haven't been lying to you about anything. I already gave you the choice to go back home, you denied it, remember? You're no longer a hostage for me. Why would I lie to you?" He looked at me pleadingly. "I know you don't trust me, but when have I ever given you a reason to doubt me?"

Midnight MurderersOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz