Part 2, Chapter 24. Blare's Shocking Discovery

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Deanna slowly comes out. "Blare? Are you okay?!"

A smile slowly grows on Blare's face as she slowly begins to laugh. "A.. a.. legendary Pokemon! My very own LEGENDARY POKEMON!!!" Blare looks up at Mega Aggron and then leaps at him, throwing her arms around his neck. "Oh my god, I love you!"

Aggron seems noticeably uncomfortable by the sudden show of affection.

Blare kisses his cheek. "You are absolutely amazing, Aggron! You did a get job!"

Aggron blushes wildly, looking away uncomfortably. 

Blare backs away slightly, looking down and shuffling her feet. "I'm sorry. I know I usually don't praise you this much.." She looks back up at him, directly in the eye. "But honestly, you scared me before. That is why I always just let you do your own thing. But I really do appreciate you, and care about you."

Mega Aggron reverts back to his original form and slowly leans down to her, looking her in the eyes. He grunts, gently nudging her arm.

Blare's face lights up as she outstretches her arm and pets his head. "Think we can do this properly from now own?"

Aggron slowly nods.

Blare, looks at Deanna, while still petting Agrron. "I need your phone."

Deanna hands the phone to her.

Blare dials Kyla's number, and the phone rings.

"Deanna?" Kyla answers, questioningly.

"No, it's me. I just ran into a legendary Pokemon." Blare says.

"Are you okay?!" Kyla asks, excitedly.

Blare smiles at Aggron. "Oh I'm fine, even captured the weirdo."

"Can you describe the Pokemon for me?" Kyla asks.

"Yellow, with black stripes. Definitely an electric type." Blare responds.

Kyla is silent for a moment, heard relaying the information to David and Hermit in the background. "Where are you now?"

"Route 33, just outside of Azalea Town." Blare answers.

"We will be right there!" Kyla says excitedly, hanging up the phone.

Blare pulls out Aggron's Pokeball. "I owe you a meal and some quality time here soon, okay?"

Aggron smiles and nods as he is recalled to his Pokeball.

As Blare puts his ball away, Kyla, David, and Hermit appear beside an Alakazam.

Kyla runs up to Blare, checking her hand. "You lied to me! You're hurt!!!"

Blare shakes her hand. "It is nothing."

Kyla glares at her, while treating her hand. "You just caught THE Legendary Pokemon, Raikou, and you are not worried about nerve damage?!!"

Blare's expression changes to a blank, thoughtful stare. "Uh.. I honestly had no idea."

Kyla tightens a bandage around her hand, causing Blare to jump in pain. "It must be nice to be so ignorant. That Pokemon is capable of summoning massive thunderstorms. The lighting alone could have fried you to a crisp."

Blare looks over Kyla's shoulder at an irritated Hermit and a proudly smiling David. "I.. uh.."

Hermit sighs. "Well.. I can't say you didn't deserve your own legendary Pokemon.. So.. congratulations."

"Uh.. thanks?" Blare replies, with a questioning tone.

Kyla finishes with Blare's hand, turning to David. "I need you to do a full check of her hand once we get to Azalea Town."

Beyond PokemonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora