Everyone softly laughed.

Suddenly, I saw my mother walk out the crowd. She came by my side and hugged me. She then, let go, but her seen was still wrapped around my waist.

"Thank you, everyone for coming. Please yourself to whatever you like, and just have fun and enjoy yourself." Everyone began to smile, and converse.

I looked at my mom, and smiled.

"Thanks for everything, mom." She looked taken back, as I called her, "mom", but happily smiled.

"You're welcome, you deserve this, after all you are a Crescent." I smiled.

"Now, that Scott boy, is waiting for you by the buffet. He says he have an surprise for you." I quickly gave her a kiss.

I started walking the through the crowd, with the acceptance of people congratulating me, which I happily said, "Thank you" to. But, as I made my way towards Scott, I noticed my friends in the crowd laughing, and having fun, causing me to smile in the process.

"Angel, over here." I looked over and saw Scott smiling at me.

I walked over towards him, and we greeted each other with an hug.

"Oh, I have a present for you." He said, as he broke the hug, and reached into his pocket.

He then, revealed a black box. It looked like a wedding ring box, but much bigger. I gave Scott a look, causing him to chuckle.

"Trust me, it's not a wedding ring, it's not a ring period. Just open it." He explained, as he hands me the box.

I gladly took it, and slowly opened it. I smiled, I'm appreciation. It was a beautiful bracelet that had charms on it. The charms were a wolf, crown, Chinese food box, halo, Angel wings, the numbers 11, 14, 24, and the England flag.

I felt tears brim my eyes, as I perceived each charm brings back memories. I looked at Scott and pulled him into another hug. I then, let go.

"Thanks so much Scott." He chucked.

"No problem, but that charm came from me, Stiles, Isaac, Kira, Lydia, Cora, Allison and Derek." I was taken back, by the last name, but happy that he came around, a little.

"Yep, so he can't take all the credit." I turned around, and noticed they were all standing behind me looking formal, well that's if you count Stiles' suit t shirt design, and black jeans formal.

"Well, thanks, and I love you guys." I said, pulling them into separate hugs.

"I'm really glad you guys came."

"Well, we wouldn't miss it for the world." Kira smiles.

Overtime you could tell Kira and Allison have gotten closer, and became great friends.

"Have you guys seen Jace?" Scott gave me a smirk, causing me to playfully hit him.

Dirty Alpha...

He chuckles, as if he heard my thought.

Suddenly, the crowd started making a clear path towards my way, so I can spot Jace, in the center of the ballroom, with a microphone in one of his hands, while wearing a long, black, dress shirt, black slacks, black dress shoes, and black belt.

"Angel Crescent, will you please join me in the center of the ballroom?" I looked at my friends and saw them smiling.

"Well, go head. Go get laid." Stiles says bluntly, causing Derek to give him a soft smack against the head.

I chucked, and then began to walk down the path, with a smile on my face. From the corner of my eyes, I spotted people smiling and looking at us in 'awe'.

Once, I made it in the center of the room, he swiftly grabbed my hand, and swirl me into his arms, and kissed me. Causing everyone to 'awe'.

He then, moved his lips from mine, and smiled, causing me to smile back towards him, as his arm was wrapped protectively around my waist.

"Angel, my sweet loving angel. I love you with all my heart. You are my soul mate, from centuries ago, to forever. I'm devoted towards you, happy to call you the love of my life. Not only that but you are my best friend, and wife. I am graceful to wake up every morning and sleep every night, knowing you are there, and you are my wife. So, Angel Crescent, will you do me the honors of being my wife, again?"

I felt tears brim my eyes, as he kneeled down on one knee, and presented me with a more modern ring. I began to nodded my head rapidly.

"Yes!" I kept repeating contantly.

He smiled, and slipped on the ring on my ring finger, which was accompanied by my more traditional ring, he gave me the morning after we made love (Chapter: Euphoric), and brought me into a deep kiss, as everyone started cheering.

Suddenly, Ed Sheeran - Thinking out Loud came on, and everyone started slow dancing. Either in pairs or groups.

"I promised you, my Avalona. We will be united again, and that promise was granted." I heard a fluently and gentle voice say, translating it to French.

I followed the voice, and saw Jace, but hours eyes are glowing silver, which mean it was..

"Avalon, my dearest love..." I heard the voice in my head say, which was, Angel Avalona Crescent.

He calls me, Angel, and her, Avalona, so it wouldn't be confusing.

I was her descendant, and was proud that I was her descendant, and she knew that, which made our bond congregate. Being the person, I am, I decided to let Angel, take over.

"You may take over, Avalona." Within that moment she took over.

"Yes it was my love, and I thank you. For everything you have done, not for only me, but us, including our descendants." I (Avalona) said, causing him to smile.

"Anything for, "our" love. We love you, Angelona." He says, referring to me and Angel.

I laid my head on his scent, slowly and deeply.

"We love you too, Javalon." I said, referring to Jace and Avalon.

"Forever and always, I do..."

Me and Angel thought in unison.


Dear Readers,

Thank you, for reading my book!

You've guys have been supporting, and quite hilarious. Without you guys, this book wouldn't have made it so far, so I thank you, because, probably someday, I want to become an author.

This book have reached, over 16k reads, and hopefully will keep increasing.

- Yourmoment4life

Published: February 12, 2015

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