Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Jason's P.O.V.

She's been out for three whole days the only person to see her is Rose and she won't tell me anything. When Emmett brought her home that day I about died. I felt my heart stop as I looked at her. She looked so fragile and weak. The look on her face made me think she was dead, I ran over and took her from Emmett. I just wanted to holder her but I was afraid I'd break her. ( oh my little nightingale.) I thought as her eyes wondered around. I asked what happened. She responded in a soft voice that broke my heart. Rose ordered me to put her in her room, I obeyed not taking my eyes off her.

" Jazz........." Was the last thing I said to her before Rose made me leave. Sometimes I would try to sneak in but Rose would always catch me. "Come on Rose just let me see her. I want to know what's going on." I said, trying to look pass her and into Jazz's room. And I mean trying, she may be short but she take up space. ..... Not like she's fat or anything.

"No Jason. She needs to rest and I'll tell you what's happening to her later but we only have two more days till he comes. Now finish your work before that okay." She said, closing the door behind her. I crossed my arms pouting at her but she pushed me way from the door so I wouldn't go in. My phone vibrated in my pocket I didn't need to read the ID's because I knew who they were from. It made me happy that others cared so much about Jazz. Emma would come around right after school and ask how she was and what happened . I couldn't tell her because I didn't know myself.

< Jason is she wake yet?!?!?!?!?!?!Tell me right when she wakes up!> 

- Emmett  

The second one was.  

< Jason tell me she's awake! I'm need to see her, and tell her I'm sorry for being an idiot.>  

- Eric

I know why Eric was freaking out. He was really jealous of Jazz's new "boyfriend" Zack. Jazz might think that it's a joke that he like her but its real. Eric's been crushing on her for over ten years, but he made a mistake a few years back and she thinks that it a joke. Poor guy. I don't understand why Emmett it bugging he barely knows her. It's starting to piss me off. He needs to back off before he gets hurt. I replied and went to work. Why does he have to come now of all times why the fuck now.....

Jazz's P.O.V.

{"mommy, mommy! Look what I can do!" She'd yell, as she jumping over her brothers back.

"That's very good baby." She'd yell back clapping at her daughter's trick. Her father came in and grabbed the kids tickling them making them fall to the ground.

"Mommy mommy! Help us!" They yelled crying out giggling playfully pushing on his hands. She got up and tackled their father, as they tumbled around on the ground like a real family.


"Mommy?....... Where's daddy and big brother?" She'd ask again. Her mom would look out the window smelling of liquid and sweat.

"Your daddy and brat of a brother ain't here! And they ain't coming back." She say throwing a half empty bottle at her daughter. She'd scream as the glass cut into her bare feet and bleed all over the floor. Her mom did nothing to help her. Her father and brother had left five months earlier and haven't been heard from since. The girl still had hope that they would. They would see each other again but not for ten long years.}

"Mmmmmmmm....." I groaned blinking my eyes a few times, letting my eyes adjust to the light. Something was on my head and it smelled weird but it felt nice. I got up and walked to the door, stumbling a little but still made it. But before I could even touch the knob it opened, Rose looked at me shocked.

"Jazz! Your up! Oh baby you shouldn't be up right now." She said leading me back to my bed. "How you feeling?"

"Much better. How long was I out for?" I asked, still stumbling around. She looked pleased to hear that I was better. All my bones felt better like they hadn't been broken in the first place. Rose placed the rag back on my head, looking me over once or twice. She was acting really protective. I heard the door open and Emma's voice rang though the house. I was so happy to hear her voice that cried out her name involuntarily. Before I knew it Emma was in the room cooing at me.

"Oh Jazz...... What happen? You were okay when I left but then your gone for four whole days!" Wait! I was asleep for four days. I looked at her but she continued to talk. "Zack has been worried sick about you. I hope you came back soon, some girls are trying to get close to him." I still was shocked about the four day thing to understand what she was saying. Jason ran in smiling like a crazy person. Okay I think I have enough people in my room now.

"JAZZ!" He screamed , he sounded like a five year old kid on Christmas Day. I was soon cooped up off my bed and spun around. I laughed at how exited Jason was to see me, I must have looked really bad when I was a sleep. Rose and Emma looked at us like we were insane. "What can't a brother be happy to see his sister?" He said, clinging to me.

"Let her go I haven't checked if her ribs have healed right." Rose said, I nodded wiggling around till he submitted and put me down.

"What happened to her ribs?" Emma asked, looking a little freaked.

"Yes Jazz got hurt. But right now you two both need to go and help clean up." Rose said yet again leading me to the bed. She went straight to poking at my rib cage there were no bruises or any marks to show that I was hurt. "He'll be there in three hours, so get to work." Rose said again shooting them a dirty look, that sent them running. ( He?...... Who's coming?) Rose looked me over one last time before kissing my forehead and telling me to rest again.

"She's wake! Let me see her!" A voice ordered, but I heard Rose yelled at who ever it was to leave that an important person is coming. And that I needed rest. "I don't care I need to see her."

"No you don't now get out come back tomorrow I'll set you up at a hotel for to night." Jason said, sounding a little pissed off at the person. The person argued further but Jason persuaded them to go. ( who was that?......../ does it really matter rest! I'll wake you up later.). The voice ordered I had heard it when I was a sleep trying to help with my nightmare. The nightmare....... I crawled up as the voice came back cooing to me, as tears escaped my eyes. It wasn't long till sleep over took me.


(Jazz.... Jazz...... Wake up please...../ okay I'm up.) yep now I'm talking to a the voice in my head, I've lost it. I opened my eyes slowly. I heard a voice near the door, I got up and opened it seeing no one. The living room light was on and shadows danced in the light. I walked over but stayed hidden as the voices got louder.

"She's here!" A male voice screamed, roaring though out the house. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because I didn't think she'd want to see you." Rose's voice said, it sounded weak and scarred. That's not like Rose to sound like that.

"I don't care! You still should have at least told me.!" The voice screamed. I heard something break, making me jump. ( what in gods name is going on?) "I'm going to see her."

"No your not she's asleep and I think she's not ready to see you....." Jason's voice was now in the mix sounding just like Rose did. " she was hurt recently so just let her rest." He begged. I never heard them do this before, and it frightened me. Were they talking about me?

"No I have to see her now." He said but there was a commotion and more things broke. "Eric, hunter,Peter let go of me." What they were here to! What the hell it happening. "Jason tell them to release me! I want to see her!"

"NO!" He replied. I couldn't take it anymore I came out from hiding only to wish I had stayed here and kept quit. I didn't want to see he man before me who looked pleased to see me.


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