Rythum of my heart ( student/teacher relationship)

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Chapter 1

Eyes: light brown

Hair: brown/ red highlights

height: 5"3 tall

skin: tan

Grade:10, sophomore

Age: 16 1/2

The lasted year I loved choir it was great with Ms. Seeds , who was also the music teacher, she let us do whatever songs we wanted; she would help out if we didn't hit the note. She was my favorite teacher in the world, but this year she retired. The school didn't find a new choir or music teacher so both were posted pound till they found a new one. It's been a month and there's been talk the music will be canceled and the choir disbanded.

" That's so unfair! I love choir they can't just disband if the choir is still want to sing, right?" I asked Emily my best friend. Oh yeah my name is Jazz Franklin I'm 17 ( I know ' how ironic, her name is a type of music. Haha.' And I was held back a year) I live in Racine, Wisconsin ( it has only been year a half that I lived in Racine and I already have a BFF that I played a little b-ball with.) with my older brother Jason his 26 he just got out from college. Right now he's on business trip it's been two months sense I've seen him in the time I'm staying with my Aunt Rose.

" yes, they can. Your just take up space, we could use that room for storage or something." Emily replied with no mercy for my feelings.

" Emma that was mean..." I said

" it wasn't meant to be nice. Jazz the choir is useless anyway last year you didn't preform once." she stated. Cutting deeper into the wound she just made," I really don't want to be mean to you Jazz but it is true."

" I know, I know it's just choir is what made me happy and if it's disbanded, I don't know what I'll do."

" You could always rejoin basketball with me..."

" No I'll just bring the team down, it's been years sigh I played."

" But you were great." the bell rang for 5 period to begin, Emma return around to face the bored as I moved my attention to the window. My mind started to wonder back to the fond memories of choir and I stayed like that for the next two periods. As seventh period history was ended ( yet another class I daydreamed) I heard the girls gasp and giggle as someone came in, I paid no mind and kept packing my things. I heard a male voice say.

" Is Jazz Franklin in this class?" I was frozen for a second with pure joy, with out even thinking twice about it I had jumped out of my sit in the back and into the strong muscular arms that I knew well.

" hey Jazz." The man said crushing and lifting me up off the ground. I could feel the glares from the other girls burn into my back.

" I've missed you how've you been?" I asked, as he slowly lowered me down.

" I'm fine just really happy to see you, sweetie." he replied kissing me lightly on the cheek. I knew all the girls wanted to kill me and be me right now but its not what they're thinking. I started to hug his arm and ask questions about if any girls followed him home again. But as I was doing that I could see that the teacher Ms. Winter was about to snap from jealousy so I made it clear who the man I was still being embraced by was.

" I'm happy to see you bro. Have you called aunt Rose yet?"

" I haven't sis . Do you think she'll be mad that I didn't?" I gave him my best duh look, he looked guiltily back at me. We were brought back from our sibling stare down by Ms. Winter clearing her through, I could see there was a tiny bit of drool on her mouth.

Rhythm of my heart ( student/teacher relationship)Where stories live. Discover now