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The computer was going crazy. I woke up to find flashing, red lights going off in the cabin. An alarm was screeching for my attention.


I felt the ship move swiftly sideways. I jumped out of bed and started running for the seats when I was knocked off my feet.


I picked myself up and grabbed the strap before flying up and down. I strapped myself in. I didn't know what was going on. I tried to look out the window, but all I could see was white. Everything was spinning out of control. I grabbed the straps until my knuckles were white. I made myself as small as possible. I squeezed my eyes shut. It was just a fair ride, an extremely dangerous roller coaster with no tracks and only one end.

There was a loud crunch, and the white light suddenly turned dark. I hit my head on the seat, nearly blacking out. The ship hit a final bump and stopped. There was a soft shaking, but otherwise it was over. I sat there in a daze, giving myself some time to orient myself. I pulled at the straps, but they wouldn't come off. I looked at the ship. The power was off. I couldn't move the restraint.

The doors opened. A blast of cold air and snow fell inside. I wiped it off my face.

"Hey, there's someone in here!"

The light was too bright to see. Someone was standing over the open hatch. They climbed down and stood on the seat next to me. I was still disoriented. I couldn't make out their face.

"You okay?" He said. "That was a pretty nasty fall you had."

The voice... it was strange to think, but it sounded familiar. I felt the harness move, and I grabbed it so I wouldn't fall. I pulled myself up. The guy pushed me up to the top. I climbed over and slipped. I fell on top of rubble. I coughed from the dust.

"Whoa, you okay, man?"

The guy hopped down. I could finally see his face. His blonde hair was just like when I saw it before we split up. He had that cocky grin he gets when he has a terrible idea. No way, I thought. It's not possible.


He cocked his head.

"Wait... how do you know my name?"

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