Chapter 19

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Okay, now it's going back to me. I'm going to have it written out to different perspectives where I feel like the details are necessary to understand the full story. It was tough for me to put the pieces together, so I did it for you. You can thank me later :)

Anyway, here's me.


I slept in late. Like, way later than I thought I would. I didn't have an alarm set, and I definitely wouldn't have woken up to it. Everyone else was already awake, so I took my shower and met them in what I'm now calling the receiver room with the server box and radios. Victor was talking to Roy and Lynn, conversing about who knows what.

"... and she destroyed him," Roy said. "It was epic."

"It's no luck, all skill," she said.

"What are you guys talking about?" I intervened.

"John!" Lynn said. "How did it go yesterday?"

"We got in without getting caught," I said. "Barely."

"We were talking about our last match in Terra Forma," Roy said. "When she annihilated that big magma guy."

"Hey, give yourself some credit," I said. "You made some pretty difficult shots, too. You might have made the biggest difference in that match."

He put his arms on his hips and looked up at the ceiling. "Like a superhero."

I shook my head. "You're such a dunce, and I love it."

He and Lynn laughed.

"So," I changed the subject. "What's on the agenda for today?"

"That guy that they're looking for still hasn't been caught," Victor said. "He's constantly pinging their radar. I don't know how he's gotten away."

"Well, he's probably just hiding like we are," I said.

"Maybe he's with another group," Roy suggested. "He might not be alone."

"That's a theory," Victor said. "Or he could just be on the run."

"Y'know, just because you're smart doesn't mean you're right," Roy said. "But, you're probably right."

"I'm sending Diana and Sean to go check it out," Victor said. He looked at me. "You can go too, if you want."

"I don't know," I said. "I just got back after midnight last night. I don't think I should today."

"Well, that's fine. I'm sure Sean and Diana can take care of it. They're waiting in the living room for you."

"I'll go tell them," I said.

They were waiting at the card table. John was sitting next to Sean, showing him something on his computer. Sean was watching everything closely. I just remembered that he was Mariyah's twin brother who had really good eyesight.

"Your screen resolution is really good," he admired.

"You said that three times already," John said.

"I know, I just can't believe the quality of the picture. It makes everything look so real. Better than the TV."

"Hey," I said.

Diana looked relieved to be distracted from computer talk when I approached.

"You ready?" Diana asked.

"I'm... not going today," I said.

"What? Why?"

"I just spent an exhausting day driving and sneaking around, getting back after midnight, and you need a reason why?"

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