Chapter 5

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"Thanks for coming with me, Roy," I said. "I appreciate your understanding."

"No problem, dude," he said. "No one is going to mess with a six-foot-eight tall, black, gay guy. Whoever this Mr. Lancaster is will be in for a rude awakening if he tries to mess with me or my friends."

"I've got friends in high places," I said with a laugh.

"Yeah b."

The precinct wasn't that far from my house. Maybe six miles away. I called and asked Roy to go with me. I gave him the gist of what happened, and he understood my worry. The May weather decided to have an early cold snap, so he wore hoodie for Indiana State. The precinct was kind of small. It was your basic brick building with large windows at the corner where the entrance was located. It was pretty modern. Guess the police force has to keep up with the times like everyone else.

"You think you can remember his face?" Roy asked as we walked up to the doors.

"For sure."

"Okay. Let's do this."

Pushing through the doors, the inside was a little warm. People hustled back and forth, carrying documents or conversations with other officers. The place might have been small, but it sure was bustling with activity. We approached a man wearing glasses at the reception desk.

"Excuse me," I said.

"Hello, gentlemen," he said with a service smile. "What can I do to help you today?"

"Well, I had a strange encounter today at my high school."

"Okay. Is it just you two here today? Should I call your parents?"

"That probably wouldn't be a good idea," I said. "My mother gets paranoid enough as it is. I'd rather just talk to someone who can help me and not make my mother worry more than she already does."

"And I'm fostered," Roy said. "My foster mother won't be much help anyways."

"Okay. Can you describe your encounter?"

"A strange man showed up at my school saying I was offered a place at ISSM. When I tried to find information on him, they had no idea who he was. I'm afraid it might have been some sort of kidnapping attempt or something like that."

"Attempted kidnapping?" He asked. "That's really serious. Are you sure you don't want me to call your mother?"

"I'm positive. Is there someone I can talk to about this? I want to get his face out there as soon as possible."

"Yeah, I got you. I'm going to contact one of our detectives from the special victims unit and have them meet you right away. If you could please take a seat right over there."

"Thank you."

"Thank you, sir."

We sat in the semi-comfortable chairs and waited. Roy went to the snack machine and bought us a couple of candy bars. We snacked for a minute when a black man with short, black hair walked up to us, showing his badge. He was just under Roy's height by a few inches.

"Excuse me, sirs. I was told you might have been involved in a possible kidnapping?"

"Yes. I'm Adam. This is Roy."

"Nice to meet you both. Let's go to my office and talk privately."

We shook hands and were directed down a hallway to an elevator.

Roy leaned over and whispered, "Oh my god, he's hot."

I elbowed him. "Knock it off. You're not even graduated yet!"

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