Chapter 35

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"You're as insane as your boyfriend," I snapped.

"Quiet," she said.

She zapped me with her staff. I grabbed my arm and rubbed away the pain.

"I used to be in that cell," she said. "I stayed in there for days because I failed to capture you. They poked and prodded me until he decided I had enough. This is poetic justice."

"Justice?" Victor said. "You kill innocent people for your own benefit. How is that justified?"

"Oh no, Victor. I really liked you until you decided to open your mouth!"

She stabbed, literally stabbed him, with the rod into his chest. He caved into his stomach, gagging from the agony.

"What do you want from us?" Sean asked. "Why are we here?"

"Finally," she said, pointing her rod at him. "Someone is asking the right questions. Take a look behind you."

I looked back. My throat seized.

A large, cylindrical tank, one that looked exactly like the one in Florida, was bubbling gloomy, green liquid. What was different about this one compared to the last one was the occupant. It was a little girl attached to those wires and wearing an oxygen mask. She was wearing a black dress, which contrasted her pearly white skin. Her eyes were closed like she was sleeping. She looked peaceful. It was nauseating.

"Oh, my god," Mariyah said.

"What is that?" Victor asked. "Why is she in there?"

"Fellow Glitches, meet number Twelve," Evalynn said. "She also has another name. We call her the Black Diamond."



I waited for the explosion, a splatter, or some kind of sound. Instead, I heard nothing. I looked up. My mother was still knelt on the ground. She was sobbing. I couldn't hear her, but her head was shaking. I let go of the detonator and dropped to the floor. I struggled to breathe. I wanted to throw up.

"Very good," the Commissioner said. "I didn't think you would do it. You have surprised me today, Adam. I will remember this in the future. Remember my gratitude of sparing your mother the next time you want to question my authority, or I will put a real one on her and push it myself. Do I make myself clear?"

I was still breathing heavily.

"I said do I--"

"Yes!" I blurted out. "Yes, sir."

"Get up. It's almost at the hour. I'll have someone escort you to the observatory downstairs."

He hit the button on his remote. The TV screen went black and disappeared behind the bookcases. He hit another button, and the left side bookcases opened. Someone walked out, brown-skinned and with short, black hair.


"Hey, Adam," he said. He held out his hand. "Glad you decided to join the winning side."

Awkwardly, I shook his hand.

"What is this?" Kendra asked. "He's Shiva, too?"

"Always has been," the Commissioner said. "He's been a big help in telling us about your little... caper that you were planning on pulling. Had you not pushed that button, I would have believed that you had known they followed you here. Both of you would have gotten the axe. Now that's you're on the right side, I think it is time to show you my secret, special weapon."

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